Saturday, September 30, 2006
Mr. Right's latest caption contest with New York's biggest crook
Technorati tags: humor funny humor caption contest Kofi annum UN New York
Junk yard art in Sag Bridge

At the corner of Archer Avenue and Ill. Route 83, you'll find the unincorporated town of Sag Bridge. Also there is this great use of old vehicles. The Cosby Kids from the old Fat Albert cartoon would be proud.
UPDATE: Since I'm heading out of town, check out more great photo blogging at WindyPundit's blog.
Technorati tags: Photos Photos Junk
Friday, September 29, 2006
Pajamas Media's Politics Central podcast and video with Senator Joe Lieberman
Lieberman speaks quite philosophically about the extreme partisanship in Washington today, and is quite grateful that he "didn't have to wear his pajamas" for the interview.
Listen or download the podcast here. Free subcriptions to Politics Central are available at the iTunes web site.
And obviously there is a video too, filmed by Andrew Marcus.
Technorati tags: Current Affairs Politics podcasts Podcast Podcasting iPod blog Pajamas Media Politics Central Fox News Lieberman YouTube Connecticut
Support for fired DePaul professor Klocek growing
They are:
Third Wave Dave
Shadow of Diogenes
The Radio Patriots
And one more...
Fellow Illinois bloggers Freedom Folks.
When people find out about his story, and how Klocek got the shaft from his employer of 15 years, they typically get angry.
Technorati tags: Illinois Chicago DePaul Academic freedom Free Speech Thomas Klocek College Education
Chapter 61 on the Dems' uselessness in using Wal-Mart as a political issue
From a USA Today editorial:
Running against Wal-Mart looks like a losing political strategy. The chain's low prices have made it enormously popular with shoppers, as many as 127 million a week, including many low-income voters.
Hat tip to Marshall Manson for the USA Today op-ed.
Scroll down a few posts to read about the well-received grand opening of Chicago's first Wal-Mart.
Technorati tags: business big box Wal-Mart Chicago Illinois Democrats Unions
French teacher receives death threats for writing anti-Islam article
Ann Coulter, 2002
Here we go again. Once again France is a battleground in the Clash of Civilizations.
From AFP:
A French philosophy teacher was under police protection Thursday after receiving death threats over an article he wrote in a national newspaper that accused Islam of "exalting violence," school and police officials said.
Robert Redeker has not attended classes at his secondary school near Toulouse in southern France since September 19, when his opinion column appeared in the right-wing daily Le Figaro.
"He received written death threats in the form of emails. On the face of it they were pretty serious," said the lycée's headmaster Pierre Donnadieu.
Likening Islam to Communism, he said that "violence and intimidation are the methods used by an expansionist ideology ... to impose its leaden cloak on the world."
On the other side of the world is Australia. I found interesting paragraph from Mark Steyn's column in the October 9 National Review:
Step forward, Andrew Robb, parliamentary secretary to the Australian minister of immigration. Speaking to 100 A-list Aussie imams the other day, he told them to shove the victim mentality and quit trying to pass off all criticism as "Islamophobia": "We live in a world of terrorism where evil acts are being regularly being perpetrated in the name of your faith," said Mr. Robb. "And because it is your faith that is being invoked as justification for these evil acts, it is your problem."
Michelle Malkin has more.
Technorati tags: France Français Islam Australia Muslims Religion Steyn
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Pajamas Media's Sanity Squad on Bill Clinton, liberalism, and narcissism
This week, "Bubba" is stretched out on the Sanity Squad's analyst couch. The Sanity Squad consists of four mental health professionals (and bloggers): neo-neocon, Dr. Sanity, Shrinkwrapped, and Siggy. Joining the panel this week is another analyst/blogger, Gagdad Bob of One Cosmos.
Part of Clinton's narcissism is his obsession about his legacy. As Siggy notes:
Mr. Clinton himself understands that his legacy will not be one of greatness but of mediocrity, which is quite unfair since he was quite a good President. But if he can't have what he wants, he's going to be a victim. He had to know that within hours his own record of deceit would be put up for all the world to see.
Politics, the panelists note, attracts narcissistic types. And Bill Clinton, in my opinion could be the most narcissitic president ever.
I can think of another president who was campaigning in regards to his legacy, and it's one Clinton doesn't want to be compared to: the nearly impeached Richard M. Nixon. Dick Nixon had to do it because no one else would. Clinton, being perhaps the most in-love-with-himself president ever, has no choice either. Narcissism is central to his being.
Liberalism, as a quasi-religion, is also discussed among the panelists.
It's great podcast. Listen or download here.
Technorati tags: Current Affairs Mental Health Politics podcasts Podcast Podcasting iPod blog Pajamas Media Politics Central Bill Clinton Fox News
ABC News on Pajamas Media
That's why, longtime readers of this column will remember, I cheered the arrival of Pajamas Media, the first real aggregator of the blogosphere.
Pajamas got off to a shaky start — stumbling just enough to satisfy those who had predicted it to fail but eventually finding its legs.
Now that the mainstream media have moved on to other stories, Pajamas is pulling in hundreds of thousands of readers each day, all drawn to its attractive mix of stories, viewpoints and, increasingly, videos.
Right now, especially on the big international stories, nobody covers events from more perspectives and with greater nuance than Pajamas Media.
Okay, as I'm with Pajamas, I'm not an unbiased source, but what "shaky start" is Malone referring to here? It's been quite smooth as far as I'm concerned.
Technorati tags: Pajamas Media blog media journalism news Politics Current events
CNN story covering illegal immigration leads to more illegal immigration
From the Grand Forks Herald. Free registration required.
When CNN came to cover a story on Minnesota's Northwest Angle recently, it apparently led to some illegal crossings into the United States an official says.
"CNN within the last two or three months visited the Northwest Angle and did a story on crossing access," said Glen Schroeder, chief patrol agent of the Grand Forks Border Patrol Sector.
The Northwest Angle, part of Lake of the Woods County, juts north out of Minnesota, but it is mostly water, with some land bordering Manitoba and some adjacent islands.
Since CNN's coverage of the area, U.S. Border Patrol has reported an increase in illegal border crossings, according to Schroeder.
Technorati tags: Minnesota Canada illegal immigration border
Have you signed the "Reinstate Thomas Klocek at DePaul" petition?
Technorati tags: Illinois Chicago DePaul Academic freedom Free Speech Thomas Klocek
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Musharraf: Bin Laden in Afghanistan
From the Times of London:
President Musharraf dismissing a French intelligence report that Osama bin Laden had died of typhoid, said yesterday that he believed the al-Qaeda leader to be hiding in the eastern Afghan province of Kunar, possibly with the help of an Afghan warlord. "It's not a hunch," the Pakistani President told The Times. "Kunar province borders on Bajaur Agency. We know there are some pockets of al-Qaeda in Bajaur Agency. We have set a good intelligence organisation. We have moved some army elements. We did strike them twice there. We located and killed a number of them."
Technorati tags: Bin Laden War on Terror Current Affairs Pakistan اسلامی Musharraf
"Obama's candidate" Giannoulias needs to explain alleged mob ties, says state house speaker
From the Chicago Sun-Times:
But Giannoulias, 30, became engulfed in controversy. The Chicago Tribune published articles about millions of dollars his family-owned bank loaned to two convicted felons and an alleged money-launderer.
Broadway Bank is not accused of anything illegal, but it has been a political embarrassment for Giannoulias, who first called one of the men a "very nice person," then later said he had been too "cavalier."
The bombshell from Madigan recalls his cryptic comments in 2002 about never-explained "indiscretions" of then-Democratic gubernatorial nominee Rod Blagojevich. This time, Madigan is being more pointed.
"I mean my history in politics, if you were alleged to be connected to the mob, you were done, but life seems to go on," he said.
The Sun-Times article is by Carol Marin, who somehow leaves out Obama's role in getting "Mr. G." onto the fall ballot. Obama hasn't backed off from his endorsement of Giannoulias, but said in April:
What I have said is that it is important that all this information come out in a clear, straightforward way and that the voters of Illinois know exactly what was taking place.
But why did Obama endorse Giannoulias? Obama said Mr. G. did a lot of work for his 2004 senate campaign, and prior to that, Obama used to play basketball with the young banker. Giannoulias describes Obama as "a mentor." I'm not claiming Obama had any knowledge of the loans in question, but maybe, maybe, Obama's judgement isn't perfect.
Technorati tags: Obama Barack Obama Politics Congress Senate Giannoulias Illinois
Lines of people greet first Chicago Wal-Mart
From AP:
Lines snaked around the mega-retailer's West Side building long before it opened, filled with residents excited to welcome the store, its bargains and its jobs to the area.
"I love this store," Edwards said. "It's about time we get nice stores in this neighborhood."
Bringing Wal-Mart to Chicago was a four-year journey that pitted unions and small business owners against politicians and activists eager to bring jobs to the city's economically depressed West Side.
More than 15,000 people applied for the 400 jobs at the new store, where an estimated 98 percent of workers live in the neighborhood, said store manager Ed Smith.
Technorati tags: Joe Moore business big box Wal-Mart Chicago Illinois
Dershowitz clobbers Finkelstein, "Rabbi" Lerner
Finkelstein is a political science professor at DePaul, and he's the Chicago school's resident holocaust minimizer.
Last month I wrote an article called "Norman Finkelstein’s Obscenities," a response to Finkelstein’s latest screed, "Should Alan Dershowitz Target Himself for Assassination?" As the title of the article suggests, Finkelstein puts forward in his article what he believes to be a justification for my assassination as a war criminal, based on my support for Israel.
Nor was this the only obscenity in the article. Not by a long shot. As I wrote in my article, Finkelstein piece was accompanied by a:
cartoon drawn by "Latuff," a frequent accomplice of Finkelstein. The cartoon portrayed me as masturbating in rapturous joy while viewing images of dead Lebanese civilians on a TV set labeled "Israel peep show," with a Jewish Star of David prominently featured.
And now over to "Rabbi" Michael Lerner. Using a broad definition of the term, he could be a rabbi.
From Discover The Network:
Though Lerner identifies himself as a duly ordained rabbi, many of his critics dispute that claim - on grounds that he was given a controversial private rabbinic ordination by "Jewish Renewal" rabbis, whose ordinations are recognized only by those within the Jewish Renewal community and Reconstructionist Judaism. Orthodox Judaism, the Reform movement's Central Conference of American Rabbis, and the Conservative movement's Rabbinical Assembly all consider such ordinations invalid.
Now back to Dershowitz:
I found out recently that Rabbi Michael Lerner, founder and editor of Tikkun magazine, has been circulating the Finkelstein article from his Tikkun e-mail account and under Tikkun letterhead. Lerner apparently didn't have the stomach to attach the cartoon, despite the fact that the inspiration for the disgusting cartoon comes directly from what Finkelstein writes in the article circulated by Rabbi Lerner, as I showed in my previous article:
Finkelstein, as Dershowitz has noted, is a big pal of Noam Chomsky, Hugo Chavez' favorite author.
Technorati tags: DePaul Chicago Dershowitz Norman Finkelstein Michael Lerner Noam Chomsky Jewish Israel
Blagojevich barbecue in Illinois part three
Technorati tags: Blagojevich Elections illinois politics Politics corruption Illinois 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Obama gets first bill enacted into law, Oprah supports presidential run
Meanwhile, fellow Illinois resident Oprah Winfrey is supporting the state's junior senator if St. Barack does decide to run for president in 2008.
Technorati tags: Obama Barack Obama Politics Congress Senate 2008 Democrats Oprah Television
Chicago's first Wal-Mart to open Wednesday
Moore tried to put a "living wage" ordinance into law. Moore's bill would've only applied to large retailers with stores with floorspace over 90,000 sq. ft. Viewing it as a job-killing machine, Mayor Richard Daley vetoed the bill, and more Wal-Marts will be coming to the city.
It's better to have a low-paying job than none at all.
Technorati tags: Joe Moore Restaurants business big box Wal-Mart Chicago Illinois
Obama family made $1.67 million last year
From AP:
According to joint tax returns filed with the Internal Revenue Service and released to The Associated Press, the Obamas, with their two girls, had $1.67 million in total income last year — about $70,000 more than the total for all of 1998 through 2004.
Book royalties and advances brought in about $1.2 million for the senator-author whose first book, an autobiography published about a decade ago, became a best-seller during his 2004 campaign.
In late 2004, Obama landed a three-book deal worth $1.9 million with publishing houses under Random House Inc. The first book under the contract, Audacity of Hope: Reclaiming the American Dream,is scheduled for release in mid-October and is to focus on his political convictions and how he became the Senate’s only black member.
I'm sure the book will do well. But why the big advance? Obama has a full-time job, and didn't have to leave it to write the book.
Technorati tags: Obama Barack Obama Politics books Congress Senate
USS Enterprise deployed in Indian Ocean; Iran a target?
From Channel Newsasia:
The USS Enterprise aircraft carrier is deployed in the Indian Ocean and "prepared for all contingencies," its top commander said on Monday, as speculation rises over possible US military action against Iran.
"We're always prepared for any contingency," said Rear Admiral Ray Spicer, speaking to reporters in Washington via teleconference.
Spicer commands the Enterprise Strike Group, which includes the nuclear-powered Enterprise and its warplanes, the cruiser Leyte Gulf, the destroyer McFaul, the frigate Nicholas - the last three armed with guided missiles - as well as the attack submarine Alexandria and a combat support ship.
He spoke to reporters as US news media speculates on US military preparations for a possible conflict with Iran.
Jimmy Carter will be the first person to protest any military strike against Iran. Of course, the Iranian mess was of his creation.
Technorati tags: Navy Military Iran خبر فارسی News Farsi Jimmy Carter
Monday, September 25, 2006
Blagojevich barbecue in Illinois, part two
An excerpt:
If you think Gov. Rod Blagojevich gets bad press now, imagine how harsh the coverage would be if we knew what he was hiding.
For instance, we know from sources that the governor’s own office and his various agencies have been served with dozens of federal subpoenas involving countless criminal allegations, but Gov. Blagojevich won’t even confirm receiving a subpoena. He won’t say how many subpoenas he’s received. He won’t say what the FBI is looking for.
Attorney General Lisa Madigan (My note, another Chicago Democrat) is supposed to issue a legal opinion on whether the governor has to comply with reporters’ Freedom of Information Act requests on the subpoenas. As of this writing, though, her office has been silent.
Just think of the nuclear explosion that would result if voters could finally see the details of what the feds are looking for and who they’re looking at.
Blagojevich is running for re-election this fall, he's opposed by State Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka, a suburban Chicago Republican.
The latest poll has "Blago" leading Topinka by 10 percentage points, but the poll was taken before JBT's latest ad blitz focusing on the $1,500 birthday check to Blago's then seven year-old daughter.
Related post: Blagojevich barbecue in Illinois
Technorati tags: Blagojevich Elections illinois politics Politics corruption Topinka Illinois 2006
"Blues Brothers church" damaged by fire in Chicago
The church where that memorable scene was filmed was damaged in a fire earlier this month.
From the Chicago Sun-Times:
The Southeast Side church made famous by its appearance in the movie "The Blues Brothers" -- Pilgrim Baptist Church of South Chicago -- had planned a big celebration for its 89th birthday Sunday.
The church -- where James Brown sings a spirited rendition of "The Old Landmark" in the 1980 movie -- had undergone major renovations over the last few years.
But last week, an electrical fire at the church so badly damaged the sanctuary that it can't be used for at least six months. Two rooms in the church were badly damaged by smoke, flames and water. Firefighters had to break out eight new stained-glass windows to fight the fire. The pulpit and pews were taken away for repair from smoke and water damage.
"All the work we had done is gone," said pastor Hilliard Hudson. The church has spent about $165,000 on the renovations, raised solely from member donations.
Technorati tags: Blues Brothers Film Movies EntertainmentNews current events religion
Pope meets with Muslim leaders, alludes to rights of Christians in Muslim nations
From AP:
Pope Benedict XVI told Muslim diplomats Monday that "our future" depends on good relations between followers of both faiths as he sought to put to rest anger
The pontiff also quoted from his predecessor, John Paul II, who had close relations with the Muslim world, calling for "reciprocity in all fields," including religious freedom. Benedict spoke in French to a roomful of diplomats from 21 countries and the Arab League in his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo near Rome.
"Reciprocity in all fields." Muslims in living in the West expect, no, make that demand that we not only respect their faith, but that we change our ways to accommodate it. However, Christians, Jews, and members of other religions living in the Muslim world face widespread if not institutional discrimination.
Pope Benedict XVI wants that to stop.
Technorati tags: Islam Muslims Pope Religion Christianity Discrimination
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Anarchy in the UK: Muslim cleric declares area off limits to infidels
From a Philip Johnston op-ed in the Daily Telegraph:
When Abu Izzadeen, the firebrand Islamist militant, berated John Reid last week for "daring" to visit a Muslim area, the Home Secretary bridled, as did many others, at his suggestion that part of London was off limits for a British minister of the Crown.
There was nowhere in this country from which anyone should be excluded, Mr Reid said; nowhere that could be called exclusively Muslim.
The Bosnianizing of Europe continues. But good for Reid for standing up to the extremist. Others, I fear, aren't so resolute.
Technorati tags: Islam Muslim Religion Current Affairs Politics UK London Labour Muslims
Pajamas Media Blog Week in Review with Mark Steyn
Steyn joins moderator Austin Bay and regular panelist Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit for the latest Pajamas Media Blog Week in Review.
The continuing Muslim over-reaction to the Pope's comments on Islam is discussed in detail, as is Steyn's upcoming book release, America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It.
As always, Pajamas blogger Ed Driscoll produces.
Technorati tags: Islam Muslim Religion Current Affairs Politics podcasts Podcast Podcasting iPod blog Pajamas Media Pope Papa Mark Steyn books
Bears beat Vikings in field goal fest
The Central is now known as the NFC North, and Tampa Bay was sent to the new NFC South, where they belong.
Two Black and Blue Division veterans, the Chicago Bears and the Minnesota Vikings, faced off today in a game that featured hard hitting, sacks, and a low final score--but a lot of field goals, four three pointers by the Bears, three for the Vikes. The final score was 19-16, with the visiting Bears on ending up on top.
The Vikings were leading late in the game, until Bears tackle Tommie Harris forced a Vikings fumble that led to the only touchdown scored either offense today, a 24-yard touchdown pass from Bears quarterback Rex Grossman to wide receiver Rashed Davis.
The Vikings fell to 2-1 for the season. The Bear are now 3-0, with all three wins coming against their NFC North foes.
It was the first Bears victory in Minneapolis in five years.
Technorati tags: Chicago Bears Minnesota Vikings nfl Football sports Minnesota Illinois
Blagojevich barbecue in Illinois
My good friend Dan Curry at Reverse Spin is doing a great job keeping both of his eyes on the debacle that's known as the Rod Blagojevich administration.
The Democratic governor, who bragged to the media last year about having the "testicular virility" to make tough decisions, has been dodging the media so he wouldn't have to answer questions about a $1,500 birthday gift his seven year-old daughter received from Michael Ascaridis, whose wife took a state job two weeks after the generous present was received. Beverly Ascaridis flunked the civil service exam for that position. Oh, the job she got was located in remote Whiteside County, but it was moved to the Chicago area, presumably for her convenience.
Fishy? I think so
The media did catch up to "Blago," and Curry found two embarrassing Blagojevich performances on YouTube, where the viewer hears repeatedly from "Virility Boy," about how Michael Ascaridis is a "lifelong friend," along with attacks mixed in on his Republican opponent, Judy Baar Topinka. But there are no solid answers from Blagojevich on that check.
"Deer in the headlights" comes to mind. The first video is here, the second here.
Technorati tags: Blagojevich Elections illinois politics Politics corruption Topinka Illinois YouTube
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Kitty Myers' mother passes away
As many of you know, my mother had a very close call earlier this month--she broke her hip in a very bad fall. I visited her yesterday afternoon, she looks great, and only when she struggles out of bed can you tell she's been badly injured.
Technorati tags: blog Blogs Bloggers
Mr. Right's new photo caption contest with Hugo Chavez
Technorati tags: humor funny humour caption contest Chavez Venezuela
200 years ago today: Lewis & Clark expedition ends

America's greatest earthly exploring journey ended 200 years ago today when the Lewis & Clark Expedition returned to St. Louis.
America and the world would never be the same.
Technorati tags: History missouri st. louis americana on this day
One day one of these reports will be correct...
I hope it's wrong. Personally, I'd rather see him dragged back to the "Land of the Infidels" in chains and an orange jumpsuit.
Technorati tags: Bin Laden War on Terror Current Affairs France
Friday, September 22, 2006
Autumn Almanac

As regular visitors to this blog know, I'm a huge Kinks fan. And today I began to see evidence--leaf color change--that fall, or autumn, is almost here. (I didn't take the photo today, that's from my archive of photos from last fall. That photo was taken at Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge in Nebraska.)
Below are the lyrics to "Autumn Almanac," a 1967 Kinks single.
From the dew-soaked hedge creeps a crawly caterpillar,
When the dawn begins to crack.
It's all part of my autumn almanac.
Breeze blows leaves of a musty-coloured yellow,
So I sweep them in my sack.
Yes, yes, yes, it's my autumn almanac.
Friday evenings, people get together,
Hiding from the weather.
Tea and toasted, buttered currant buns
Can't compensate for lack of sun,
Because the summer's all gone.
Oh, my poor rheumatic back
Yes, yes, yes, it's my autumn almanac.
Oh, my autumn almanac
Yes, yes, yes, it's my autumn almanac.
I like my football on a Saturday,
Roast beef on Sundays, all right.
I go to Blackpool for my holidays,
Sit in the open sunlight.
This is my street, and I'm never gonna to leave it,
And I'm always gonna to stay here
If I live to be ninety-nine,
'Cause all the people I meet
Seem to come from my street
And I can't get away,
Because it's calling me, (come on home)
Hear it calling me, (come on home)
Oh, my autumn Armagnac
Yes, yes, yes, it's my autumn almanac.
Oh, my autumn almanac
Lyrics courtesy of Dave Emlen's Unofficial Kinks Web Site.
Technorati tags: Autumn Fall Nebraska Photos Photography Kinks Nature
Friday was "Protest the Pope" day in the Muslim world

Thanks to the Sanity Squad (scroll down a few posts), I have the cycle of protests in the Muslim world figured out. Friday is mosque day for Muslims, and after being fired up by an extremist cleric, Muslims protest their current "hate," which is now the Pope's speech on "violent" Islam. Previous "hates" of 2006 were those Danish Muhammad cartoons, Israel (the thing to hate when there is nothing new to hate), and President Bush, particularly after his "Islamic fascist" comment.
And today their were "hate-protests" across the Muslim world, with the the Pope of course still the target of that hate.
Have a nice weekend!
Technorati tags: Islam Muslims Pope Religion Christianity
Tom Ciesielka to be on WGN Radio's Bill Moller Show
And if you live outside WGN's signal, you can listen in live on the internet.
From TC Public Relation's press release:
Tom Ciesielka from TC Public Relations will be Bill Moller’s guest on WGN radio’s “The Money Show” on
Saturday, September 23 at 1:30 pm Central. Bill and Tom will discuss how to:Use Past Successes to Drive Your Future Career or Business Goals Work with Others to Advance Your Dreams Recognize that the Road to Success is Paved with Appreciation Be Honest with Yourself Before Promoting Yourself to Others Avoid Short Term Gains that Could Hurt Your Long-Term Life
Hope you can tune in!
Technorati tags: Bill Moller Thomas Klocek DePaul financial planning money radio chicago
Prescription drug wars: Target to match Wal-Mart's $4 generic drugs
Target announced earlier today that it would match its chief competitor's price cut on 150 generic prescription drugs in Florida. Wal-Mart started rolling the price ball downhill yesterday, and the world's largest retailer plans to take its pricing strategy to all of it's USA stores next year.
Will others join in? Where I live, Chicago-area based Walgreens dominates the pharmacy market. If Wal-Mart and Target make the generic pricing strategy a nationwide policy, Walgreens and others will be hard-pressed not to follow suit.
As for union-funded Wal-Mart Watch and Wake Up Wal-Mart, they need to know that in terms of the overall economy, a "living wage" isn't the only answer to any real or perceived problems.
But look for the jabs against Wal-Mart to continue. Last night during Jay Leno's Tonight Show monologue, Jay quipped that Wal-Mart's price cuts still mean that Wal-Mart employees can't afford prescription drugs.
However, Jay did get in a very funny joke about Willie Nelson's tour bus being a giant bong, with the tail pipe being the the inhalation port.
Technorati tags: Wal-Mart Retail Target business big box Walgreens pharmacy marketing Jay Leno Willie Nelson
CAIR's Saudi connections

From FrontPage:
A few days ago Ibrahim Hooper of the Council on American Islamic Relations was on Tucker Carlson's MSNBC show to discuss Pope Rage, and Carlson did a fairly good job pressing him on some points -- although Hooper was so combative that Carlson twice had to calm him down and reassure him that he agreed with him.
At the end of the segment, however, after he got Hooper to tell the Saudi government that execution for apostasy was wrong, Carlson challenged Hooper on CAIR's receiving money from the Saudi government. Hooper declared: "To my knowledge we don't take money from the government of Saudi Arabia."
Well, I know that Ibrahim Hooper words his statements as carefully as the Pope does, as in the memorable incident when Hooper told Rachel Neuwirth about allegations that CAIR supported Hamas and Hizballah: "CAIR does not support these groups publicly." So I'm not quite sure how to take this new statement. Does he mean that they don't take money from the Saudi government, but from individual Saudis? Or that CAIR may take money from the Saudi government, but if it does, no one is telling Ibrahim?
Spencer goes on to quote passages from Frank Gaffney and friend of the blog Daniel Pipes, who note that money that originally came from Saudis, but maybe, maybe not from the Saudi government, does end up in CAIR's bank account.
It's a tough task to make sense of financial dealings from the Islamic world, but to be sure, some of CAIR's cash was really at one time Saudi riyals.
Technorati tags: fatwa CAIR Washington Islam Muslims Syria Radical Islam Saudis Saudi Arabia السعودية
Pajamas Media's Sanity Squad on Islam and the Pope
The Sanity Squad consists of four mental health professionals/bloggers: neo-necon (small "n" is correct), Dr. Sanity, Shrinkwrapped, and Siggy.
Their latest podcast is entitled, The Sanity Squad: A Religion of the Perpetually Paranoid. The four psychology sages put all of Islam on their analysts' couch.
Actually, since it's Islam, there'd have to be two couches, one for each gender--with a partition between the two, but I think you get my point about the couch.
Islam's violent reaction to the Pope's controversial comments about Islam and violence draw the ire of the Squad.
Shrinkwrapped noted that the anti-Pope protests "were well orchestrated," taking place after Friday "inflammatory services."
But Siggy steals the show. Among his brilliant comments:
The Judeo-Christian world civilizes, the Islamic world fantasizes.
The Judeo-Christian world builds things, the Islamic world of today tears things down.
Download here. Free Politics Central podcasts subscriptions are available on the iTunes web site.
Technorati tags: Islam Muslim Religion Current Affairs Mental Health Politics podcasts Podcast Podcasting iPod blog Pajamas Media Politics Central
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Pajamas Media's Politics Central podcast with Senator Jim DeMint
Jim talked about his wireless device version of the Emergency Broadcast System, the WARN Act, that will be put into place if the bill is passed into law. The WARN act is part of the Port Security Bill, which the senate approved 98-0 last week.
Technorati tags: DeMint South Carolina Politics podcasts Podcast Podcasting iPod blog Pajamas Media Politics Central wireless Mobile Congress
Milblogger's wife seriously ill with cancer
The Radio Patriots, Andrea and Mark, are leading a rallying cry for SC's wife, Ellicia.
A PayPal account has been set up to cover "Leesha's" home-health care. Hospice care is not covered by their insurance.
Leesha's breast cancer has spread to her brain. She's in a very tough battle against that awful disease.
Technorati tags: Germany Deutschland cancer oncology military Afghanistan
Wal-Mart offering $4 generic drugs in Florida
But the anti-Wal-Mart group, Wal-Mart Watch, is tying this good news to their perception that Wal-Mart is stingy with health care benefits with their one-million employees.
Can't they let it rest just once?
Technorati tags: Wal-Mart Retail Retail business big box
Ill. Lt. Governor's tea bag protest might lead to jammed sorting machines
Quinn and Blagojevich are up for re-election this year, and Pat is doing his part by drumming up some media noise. Consumers in Illinois have just been hit by huge rate increases. As a protest, Quinn is suggesting that Illinoisans include empty tea bags with their next electrical payment to show their displeasure with the new rates.
One problem: The US Postal Service is concerned that the empty tea bags could damage sorting equipment at postal facilities.
I have a better idea. If somehow Illinois residents are dense enough re-elect team Blagojevich/Quinn, next April,Illionis taxpayers should enter $1,500 in Monopoly money with their state returns. Why $1,500?
That amount matches the $1500 birthday present check given to Gov. Blagojevich's then seven year-old daughter, Amy, by Michael Ascaridis. Shortly after he sent the check, Ascaridis' wife Beverly obtained a $45,000 a year state job.
When you mail the phony cash, tell 'em you got the idea from Pat Quinn.
Technorati tags: Blagojevich Elections illinois politics Politics corruption Illinois
Chicago White Sox: Thanks for the memories
Mathematically there is still a chance they'll make it into the American League playoffs. Realistically, with 10 games left to play, the White Sox trail the Minnesota Twins by 5 1/2 games in the wild card race, an essentially insurmountable lead. So the Sox will be spending the first Monday in October cleaning out their lockers instead of practicing for the first round of the American League playoffs.
However, for a little while longer, the South Siders are the defending World Series champions. It's a great feeling for the lifelong White Sox fan. And with a core of talented athletes locked in to long-term contracts for the Sox, "Wait 'till next year" isn't a hollow slogan. However, the White Sox need to do something about that unreliable bullpen. Back up the truck...
Meanwhile on Chicago's North Side, the Cubs are in last place.
What does that have to do with the White Sox?
It's a Chicago thing.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Bush says he'd send troops to Pakistan--Pakistani newspaper reports US choppers there
First from AP:
President Bush said Wednesday he would order military action inside Pakistan if intelligence indicated that Osama bin Laden or other top terror leaders were hiding there. "Absolutely," Bush said in an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer.
Next, from the Pakistani newspaper Dawn:
Six US helicopters violated Pakistan's air space by intruding into Lawara Mandi area of the North Waziristan Agency on Tuesday morning, officials and residents said.
Eyewitnesses said that the US helicopter gunships had intruded into Lawara Mandi area, about 55 kilometers west of Miramshah after militants attacked allied forces in Pipali area of Afghanistan, close to Pakistani border.
They said that the helicopters violated Pakistan's air space more than six times in the area, but did not take action. Pakistani security forces did not react against helicopters.
The sources said that constant air space violations by US helicopters triggered tension and senior military officers flew in helicopters from Miramshah to assess the situation.
I can't find a story that corroborates this report, but it is an intriguing article when juxtaposed Bush's comments from earlier today.
Techorati tags: Pakistan War on Terror Bush Military Afghanistan
Venezuela's Chavez calls Bush "The Devil"
The devil came here yesterday. He came here talking as if he were the owner of the world.
Chavez made the sign of the cross when he made that statement.
Although being the devil isn't such a bad thing, as Al Pacino and Robert De Niro have played "Old Scratch" in recent years, so the part comes with a certain amount of penache, something the buffoon Chavez doesn't possess.
Technorati tags: News Venezuela Chavez UN Bush
Poll: Over 80% of Thais back coup
Technorati tags: Thailand News polls ไทย Current events
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Ex-Archbishop of Canterbury strongly backs Pope on Islam and violence
The person who sits in the Archbishop of Canterbury's chair is the spiritual leader of the world's Anglican Christians.
From the Times of London:
The former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey of Clifton has issued his own challenge to "violent" Islam in a lecture in which he defends
the Pope’s "extraordinarily effective and lucid" speech.
Lord Carey said that Muslims must address "with great urgency" their religion’s association with violence. He made it clear that he believed the "clash of civilisations" endangering the world was not between Islamist extremists and the West, but with Islam as a whole.
"We are living in dangerous and potentially cataclysmic times," he said. “There will be no significant material and economic progress [in Muslim communities] until the Muslim mind is allowed to challenge the status quo of Muslim conventions and even their most cherished shibboleths."
Whew...strong stuff from Carey. The current Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, is a wimpy chap who is not capable of making such statements. If he had...maybe Muslims would start to listen. Oh, he's talked about it, as you'll read here, but there is no meat in this Archibishop's stew. Besides, if Williams did strongly support the Pope's comments, well, it would mean more churches would get firebombed.
Sorry, but it's the awful truth, in my opinion.
Islam Muslims Pope Religion Christianity Anglican Catholic Rowan Williams UK
Latvian president Vike-Freiberga bidding to become UN secretary general
Vike-Freiberga speaks five languages: English, German, French, Latvian, and Spanish.
She's lived as a refugee in Germany--in a displaced persons camp--after World War II.
And for a few years she lived in a Muslim country, Morocco, when it was still a French colony.
But the Russians don't like her: Relations between Russia and Latvia are chilly. China is looking for an Asian to for the position--no Asian has been secretary general in over three decades. Both Russian and China have full UN veto rights.
Still, Vike-Freiberga has a chance: No woman has ever been UN secretary general.
Related: News you probably missed: Latvian president addressed joint session of Congress
Technorati tags: Latvija Latvia United Nations Vike-Freiberga UN
Fight high cell phone taxes
Actually I heard about this organization when I was in Washington in July, I saw a billboard for My at a few subway stops.
Oh, if you don't support putting a lid on taxes, then you're visiting the wrong blog.
Here is the site for My And as they say on TV, tell them Marathon Pundit sent you.
Technorati tags: mobile phones Cell Phones wireless phones congress taxes
The Pope, Islam, and dialogue
None of these articles touched on one sensitive point. Christians who convert to Islam can pretty much do it.
On the flipside, Muslims, in accordance to their faith, are not allowed to leave Islam. Apostates can face a formal or informal death sentence, but in more generous circumstances, ostracization from family and (former) friends is the end result.
Achieving dialogue between Islam and the Vatican won't be easy. It may not even be possible.
Islam Muslims Pope Religion Christianity
First fall DePaulia is out, no mention of Klocek controversy
That pattern continues. Until this issue, there has been no DePaulia published since May. Since then there have been two major revelations in the Klocek case. Wesley Thompson, the former DePaul Student Government Association president, backed Klocek's version of what happened during the 2004 cafeteria discussion with the Students for Justice in Palestine and United Muslims Moving Ahead.
And the role of CAIR Chicago, the local outpost of the Chicago Council of American Islamic Relations, became public. CAIR, which touts itself as a civil rights organization, recommended that DePaul fire Klocek.
Aren't real civil rights groups supposed to expand rights and employment opportunities?
CAIR Chicago has a big presence at DePaul, something the DePaulia is not likely to report on anytime soon.
Ironically, the DePaulia did report on the cafeteria encounter shortly after Klocek was suspended by DePaul. The DePaulia piled-on the professor, going to print without getting his side of the story. The article does note that the DePaulia did contact Klocek, but that he failed to respond before the paper's deadline.
Klocek told me that the DePaulia did not contact him for that story at all.
In fairness to the paper, the following spring the DePaulia did publish an op-ed by Klocek outlining his side of the story.
In the blogosphere, however, the Klocek affair is still a big story. But not in the DePaulia.
Technorati tags: journalism Thomas Klocek DePaul Illinois Academic freedom Chicago blogging CAIR
Monday, September 18, 2006
Iranian supreme leader: Pope part of US-Zionist conspiracy
The correct answer to that question is none then, none now.
But leave it to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's boss, to see things differently:
From the world's greatest newspaper, the Tehran Times:
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said (in Tehran) on Monday that Pope Benedict XVIÂ’s offensive remarks were part of a U.S.-Israeli conspiracy to create a conflict between religions.
Ayatollah Khamenei stated that the comments were part of the same conspiracy that started with the U.S. invasion of Iraq, which was devised by great powers intent on creating crises between religions to "pursue their evil objectives."
"Leaders of the global arrogance have already defined the links of the chain in this U.S.-Zionist project by attacking Iraq," he observed at a meeting with members of a committee responsible for promoting prayer.
"The issue of the insulting cartoons and the remarks of some U.S. politicians about Islam are different links in the chain of conspiracy to begin a crusade, and the Pope's remarks are the latest link in this chain," he added.
Clarification: Israeli troops were not part of the coalition of troops that invaded Iraq in 2003. Nor were the Vatican's Swiss Guards. Although not all of the Swiss Guards are guys in pretty uniforms--many of the guards are perform similar functions in less flamboyant clothing--that the US Secret Service does here.
Technorati tags: Iran خبر Pope Vatican Pope Papa Israel Khamenei Middle East
Latvia's big 2006 event: NATO summit
Latvia will be a big story later this year: The annual NATO summit will be held in late November the Latvian capital, Riga, on what was once Soviet occupied territory.
Of course with the increased attention will come risk: Jihadists view the summit as an opportunity to cause havoc.
Of course history does tend to repeat itself, and Latvians are having their nation become a battleground in major wars, such as the early 18th century conflict between Russia and Sweden--the Great Northern War, as well as two more infamous conflicts: World War I and II.
Technorati tags: Latvija Latvia NATO War on Terror History
One reason why Obama for president in 2008 makes sense
On the bottom of the ticket--if Hillary gets the nomination--there is no way, NO WAY another 2002 Democrat hawk on Iraq can take that spot.
That helps Obama too if he chooses to sit out the primaries two years from now. Or next year, if New Hampshire follows through on its threat to put on its Democratic primary in 2007 to spite the DNC.
Technorati tags: Obama National politics 2008 Democrats Hillary Kerry
Blagojevich kiddie check story catching fire in Illinois
Rich Miller at Capitol Fax has an excellent run-down of the latest write-ups on Rod Blagojevich and the $1,500 birthday check given to his seven year-old daughter. People who don't ordinarily pay attention to politics are watching this story.
On a different front, a Chicago Sun-Times/NBC 5 Chicago poll shows Blagojevich far ahead of his Republican challenger, Judy Baar Topinka. This poll not only has Blagojevich above the coveted 50 percent mark, but Blago leads Topinka by 30 points. All previous polls I've seen have "Blago" below 50 percent, with an average 10 percentage point lead over Topinka.
Technorati tags: Blagojevich Elections illinois politics Politics corruption Topinka Illinois
Revised: Disbar Fitzgerald, David Corn may have said in latest Pajamas Media Blog Week in Review
The latest podcast is Pajamas Media's Blog Week in Review, where Corn joins regulars Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit and moderator Austin Bay--Ed Driscoll produces.
Social-networking sites such as My Space, Wal-Mart's new The Hub, and others are discussed in relation to how such sites might effect the political process.
The fireworks start when Corn and Reynolds discuss "Plamegate." David has a new book out, co-authored with Michael Isikoff, Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War.
It's possible that recently convicted former Illinois Governor George Ryan agrees with Corn on that one.
UPDATE 7:00PM CDT commnenter has posted that Corn may have been quoting the conservative arguement that Fitzgerald should be disbarred. I'm unaware of any conservative call for that to occur. Still Corn deserved the benefit of any doubt. If I erred, it was out of irresponsibility, since I listed to that portion of the podcast at least five times before I wrote this post.
Technorati tags: Politics podcasts Podcast Podcasting iPod blog Pajamas Media News books anti-war iraq PlameGate My Space Wal-Mart Patrick Fitzgerald Richard Armitage Illinois law The Nation
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Little Marathon Pundit's 10th birthday party
Marathon Pundit makes National Review's Phi Beta Cons
Klocek Two Years On
[John J. Miller 09/15 11:48 AM]
Today is the second anniversary of the incident that led DePaul University to fire instructor Thomas Klocek, who had the gall of questioning anti-Israeli activists on his campus. Marathon Pundit offers a good overview of what happened.
Here is my summary post from Friday.
Technorati tags: Thomas Klocek DePaul Illinois Academic freedom Chicago bloggingNational Review
Still more bad news for Ill. Gov. Blagojevich
Blagojevich broke tradition when he was sworn in as governor by not moving into the Governor's Mansion in Springfield, but that's another story.
From the Chicago Tribune, free registration is required:
Skirting state hiring rules, Gov. Rod Blagojevich's administration gave jobs to at least 360 people whose applications were sent through back channels by the governor's office and other political heavyweights, a Tribune investigation has found.
More than 70 workers with political pedigrees were hired through internships meant for college students--even though all were older than 35 and a few were in their 60s.
In addition, Blagojevich's administration nearly doubled--to more than 740--the number of high-level state jobs he can fill without following hiring rules.
In a broad examination of hiring across state agencies, the Tribune found that these maneuvers and others were used to systematically subvert a process that is supposed to be free from political influence.
Federal invetigators have been looking into the hiring practices of Gov. Blagojevich since last year.
Last week, the Tribune disclosed that the governor's daughter Amy, then a seven year-old, received a $1,500 birthday check from Michael Ascaridis. Beverly, Michael's wife, took a state job shortly after the gift was received. Blagojevich didn't report the gift until two years later, when the FBI asked him about it.
In a race that mysteriously has received little national attention, Blagojevich is running for re-election this year. His opponent is Republican Judy Baar Topinka--her chances to unseat "Blago" continue to improve.
Technorati tags: Blagojevich Elections illinois politics Politics corruption
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Tehran Times: New crusade being planned

As I've remarked before, the Tehran Times is to good journalism what the Jerry Springer Show is to quality television programming.
The Farce-eys are at it again, getting their robes all tangled up over the recent (scroll down a couple of posts) comments by the Pope about Islam.
When Muslims aren't whining about "Islamophobia," it's only because they're screaming "Crusade."
From a Tehran Times article by Hassan Hanizadeh:
The increasing wave of Western offensives against Muslims, which began with U.S. President George W. Bush’s remarks and continued with the publication of disrespectful cartoons in a Danish newspaper, is part of a plot to start a new crusade against Muslims.
Undoubtedly, this propaganda is not accidental and purposeless, but rather within the framework of a comprehensive strategy to implement the theory of clash of civilizations put forward by U.S. theorist Samuel P. Huntington.
Regrettably, following the suspicious 9/11 attacks, the West is increasing the psychological and propagandistic pressure on Muslims to prepare the ground for the expulsion of Muslims from the United States and European countries.
The Pope’s rude remarks are actually code words for the start of a new crusade, heralding a dark future in relations between Islam and Christianity.
Relations right now are pretty darn dark, in my opinion.
Later in the article, there's the spurious claim that the "Zionist regime" (always blame the Jews) is part of the crusade, since it's scheming to become the Hong Kong of the Middle East.
And Hanizadeh moans about a Daily Telegraph piece about how Muslim soldiers in the early days of Islam used to behead prisoners of war.
The more things change....
Technorati tags: Iran خبر زنان UK Denmark Danmark Islam Muslims Pope Papa