The people are not impressed.
Here is what "Blago," who bragged a few years ago that only he had the "testicular virility" to run Illinois, told reporters yesterday:
All of those things (My note: his meager accomplishments) happened because we had to push and prod and fight through the system to get it done for people, and if I get bloodied up in the process, and there are some times when people are just not generally approving, I feel honored to get my ass kicked for the people.
Hmm..."ass kicked," and "testicular virility." The brain of the Illinois governor must be between his stomach and his knees.
It's becoming clear that Blago is considering running for a third term in 2010.
But the smart money is that a US marshall will serve him his indictment papers before then.
And if Blago does run for reelection, look for his ass to get kicked.
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