He will be the next Last Frontier senator. In a Tweet, political consultant Larry Sabato said, "AK is not going to have 2 D U.S. senators. It's a miracle Dems got Begich(D) elected in '08. Miller will be part of growing Tea Party caucus."
Miller's win is a triumph not just for the Tea Party movement and the Tea Party Express, which targeted Murkowski for defeat, but also for Sarah Palin, one of the few prominent Republicans to back Miller.
As for the Tea Party Express, it's next champion is Christine O'Donnell of Delaware, a solid conservative who faces Republican-in-name-only Rep. Mike Castle, who voted for cap and trade and the anti-free speech DISCLOSE Act.
Delaware's primary is September 14. Prospects of a GOP takeover of the Senate continue to improve. But as Mark Levin said on his show after Castle's DISCLOSE Act vote, "A Republican majority with Mike Castle is not a majority."
Related post:
DISCLOSE Act closes door on free speech
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