Unemployed Miranda Lee of Essex, England, formerly known as Raymond Harwood, had a sex change operation paid for by Great Britain's government-run health care agency, the NHS.
Cost to British taxpayers: $93,000 US.
But Lee was told that the NHS wouldn't pay for breast implants. After her operation, she sued, using the Legal Services Commission.
Cost to British taxpayers: $15,000.
Lee won her case, she will get her implants.
Cost to British taxpayers: $12,000.
This is horrifying news, because as you'll notice in my plethora of posts about "British ObamaCare," rationing essential health care is the norm in the UK. The elderly, among the most vulnerable members of society, are especially overlooked by the redistributionalists of the NHS.
Lee told the Telegraph, "Since I found out [about the legal victory] friends have said I'm a lot happier and more relaxed and be [sic] a productive member of society."
Yes, this can happen here one. Not yet, but maybe soon.
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