"Our society must make it right and possible for old people not to fear the young or be deserted by them, for the test of a civilization is the way that it cares for its helpless members." Pearl S. Buck, My Several Worlds: A Personal Record
Britain, which has had government run health care for over 60 years, fails Buck's test.
From The Sun:
ELDERLY people are being left to STARVE on NHS wards, a shocking report revealed today.And The Sun also reveals that one in three National Health Service nurses believe that their own elderly relatives could enter a government-run health care hospital without anybody noticing they are malnourished.
Almost 180,000 patients left hospital[s] malnourished in 2008/9.
And 239 patients DIED of malnutrition in hospital in 2007, charity Age UK found.
Those with difficulty swallowing are put at risk of choking by not being given puréed food. Other people's trays are put out of reach or taken away untouched.
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