Barack Obama, June 15, 2009.
It's been a while--I'm busy with the midterm elections--but I have another British ObamaCare update.
Great Britain has suffered from government-run health care for six decades. To be fair, the Brits didn't know what they were getting into when they created the National Health Service. We can learn from their mistakes.
"Single-payer" is a liberal euphemism for government-run health care.
The BBC is reporting that suburban London surgeon, Ramon Niekrashm was suspended from his job because he didn't believe local health care was "safe" or "adequate."
"The concerns related to staffing levels" and the number of clinical nurse specialists for cancer, he said.He got his job back, but only after shelling out $220,000 US for legal bills.
He also said a patient who had a biopsy on his prostate which was positive for cancer had to wait six months to be seen by a consultant.
"I was escorted to the chief executive's room," he said
"They basically said that a number of concerns had been raised [about me] and that I was to be suspended."
From This Is London:
More than 600 NHS staff are receiving wages to sit at home having been suspended, many of them forced out after raising concerns about serious failings in their workplace.The cost to British taxapayers? $4.7 million US.
Election Day in America is next week.
Repeal and replace ObamaCare.
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2009 British ObamaCare entries
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