Berwick supports health care rationing. If the Democrats and Berwick have their way, we'll see many newspaper stories such as this one from Britain's Daily Mail:
Hundreds of thousands of people in the early stages of Alzheimer's will no longer be denied crucial drugs that slow the devastating disease.Thanks to the efforts of the Daily Mail and advocates for seniors, patients suffering from the advanced stages of Alzheimer's will receive Ebixa, instead of anti-psychotic drugs which have side effects such as causing strokes. Ebixia costs the NHS rationers $1.90 per day.
A three-year campaign by the Daily Mail ended in victory yesterday when the NHS drug rationing body reversed a ban that had been universally condemned by doctors, patients and their families.
Patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's - who knew they were losing their minds - faced the scandalous situation of waiting for their condition to deteriorate before being prescribed the three drugs. This prompted a legal challenge partly funded by £230,000 [$365,000] raised in one week by Mail readers, which forced NICE [the British health care rationing body] to reveal its calculations behind banning the drugs.
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2009 British ObamaCare entries
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