From WLS-AM:
"I'll put it this way. You don't deserve to keep all of it and it's not a question of deserving because what government is, is those things that we decide to do together. And there are many things that we decide to do together like have our national security. Like have police and fire. What about the people that work at the National Institute of Health who are looking for a cure for cancer," Schakowsky said.My friend Joel Pollak ran a spirited campaign against the Evanston uber-liberal last year and lost. But the results were similar to Bob Turner's 2010 run against Anthony Weiner in New York. The disgraced Weiner has since pulled out of Congress, Turner is his successor. Like New York's 9th, Illinois' 9th, Sckakowsky's district, has a large Jewish population. Schakowsky, who is Jewish, is cozy with the George Soros-funded anti-Israel J-Street.
Schakowsky also says one reason the 2009 stimulus bill did not succeed was because it was not large enough.
Jan--you can be beaten.
Sckakowsky's beloved Democratic Party of Evanston has a meeting tonight, by the way.
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1 comment:
This woman must be Blago's Evil
twin! I'm sorry, but this woman
needs to spend some time in the
"Big house." Awesome site John.
I especially enjoy your travel
blogs. Michigan etc. Keep em
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