President Obama has been repeatedly claiming that his proposal for a government-run health care plan won't crowd out private insurers and lead to a single paying system, aka socialized medicine, or if you prefer, Obamacare.
But as recently as two years ago, NewsBusters is reporting that Obama was not only touting proto-Obamacare, but he gave away his trojan horse game plan:
I would hope that we set up a system that allows those who can go through their employer to access a federal system or a state pool of some sort. But I don't think we're going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately. There's going to be potentionally some transition process. I can envision a decade out or fifteen years out or 20 out.
Here's the video proof:
Obama is not alone in this plot. Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) and my own cretinous congresscritter, Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), tell the world that they are Trojan horse co-conspirators.
Maybe we shouldn't be so hard on Jan. After all, her ex-con husband enjoyed federal single payer health coverage while he did his time in prison.
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Obama attacks insurance companies
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1 comment:
Will he make up his mind????
And add to that possibly increasing taxes........give me a break.....
Half of our checks now are ate up in taxes........its time to cut the fat out of the political system and those big pensions and benefits as well as these big wigs need to start living like the working class.......... don't need two or more homes, a dozen cars, diamonds for every finger, gold fillings, half million dollar 16th birthday parties for your ungrateful children..........quit putting the screws on the working class that make this country are going to end up with the USA being a third world country for the working the living heck out of all those companies that cost working americans jobs by moving to mexico and overseas...........
As to the health care issue.....just do something......if the rich want to keep the insurance companies going let them......but insure the working class........Used to be proud to be an american......really hard to be proud anymore when those that run the country can only see what the working class can give them.....
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