Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Accuracy in Media on Robert Creamer

I thought that no one outside of the outside of the Chicago area noticed that Robert Creamer, the felon husband of Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), attended last week's state dinner at the White House.

Accuracy in Media has this to say:

The media furor over the White House state dinner crashers ignores the convicted felon who was invited to attend with the approval of Obama's inner circle. The ex-convict, Robert B. Creamer, is a friend of White House adviser David Axelrod and the husband of Democratic Rep. Jan Schakowsky of Illinois. A major Democratic Party political strategist, he is the author of a 628-page book that describes how the Democrats can become the permanent majority party by passing a national health care bill and giving amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Hat tip to Stephanie Davis.

Related posts:

Ex-con Robert Creamer, husband of Rep. Jan Schakowsky, guest at tonight's White House state dinner
More Blago baggage for Giannoulias: Schakowsky and Creamer
Schakowsky town hall report
Leftist congresscritter calls Tea Parties "shameful" and "despicable"
Punishing the Blago enablers, part one: Jan Schakowksy
Spotlight on Schakowsky exposes an earmark problem
Blagojevich-enabler Schakowsky voted "present" on 2007 House Christmas resolution
Report from The Bench: Chicago scumbags gather at Obama rally
Liberals laud book by ex-con husband of Rep. Jan Schakowsky
Rep. Schakowsky: Let your moonbat flag fly
Leftist congresswoman wants to reinstate "Fairness Doctrine"
Ex-con and congresswoman's husband Creamer taught at Camp Obama
Cong. Schakowsky: Choosing her anti-semitism battles
Cong. Schakowsky's husband enters federal prison

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CNB said...

John, It's interesting that the "Gate Crasher Couple" is getting so much attention. It's almost as if it's fabricated by the White House to distract from the real story: All the scummy characters that were on the guest list. If my theory is right, it's a brilliant use of a red herring.

pathickey said...

Could be Tom! However I always delight in the diva demonstratives once Desiree is told that cameras are rolling.

From the Lotto on this dopey broad has delighted one and all.