Protesters living in Zuccotti park are dealing with an escalating security problem, which some say could threaten the sustainability of the Occupy Wall Street movement.Courtesy of Breitbart TV, an Occupy Wall Street protester discusses these crimes and adds one that I hadn't heard about: the rape of a young deaf man.
There have been multiple incidents of assault, drug dealing and drug use, rape and attempted rape, according to conversations with numerous protesters. And the problem, they say, is getting worse.
In the past several weeks, the cluster of tents at the west end of the park -- the farthest section from the bustle of working groups and activity near Broadway -- has grown increasingly dangerous, many say. The sanitation team has reported finding needles in tents, and reports of crack and crystal meth use have surfaced. But the most serious concern most protesters say, is the risk of assault, especially for women and at night.
The number of OWS arrests has crossed the 3,000 threshold.
Arrests at Tea Party events are unheard of.
Part of the crowded agenda of OWS is the need for more jobs. But a Manhattan cafe is laying off 21 workers, blaming a steep decline in business on Occupy Wall Street. Worse, considering that there is more than a whiff of anti-Semitism with these protests, it is a kosher eatery.
Unlike other big cities, Chicago hasn't caved in to the OWS demands for a "permanent free speech zone," what I like to call tent shanty towns. While Rahm Emanuel may have been viewing this faceoff as a chess game--if he allows the Occupy crowd to camp in Grant Park now, he'll set a precedent for the influx of NATO/G8 summit protesters in May--the new mayor and his police chief, Garry McCarthy, should still be commended for keeping Occupy Chicago under control and preserving the rule of law.
The tent shanties are crime hubs.
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