An aside: To compare this group to the Tea Party is an insult to that movement. Tea partiers do not wear bandit masks nor do they display signs with obscenities. And the Tea Party has a coherent message--it favors limited government guided by the principles of the Founding Fathers, lower taxes, and spending cuts.
The marchers--there were about 3,000 of them--represented an amalgam of far-left causes, including such general ones as socialism and communism, but also more specific ones such as single-payer health care, pulling our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and of course wealth redistribution.
Did I say there were communists marching last night?
What was that about obscenities? Some protesters brought their children with them.
Naïve, very naïve. Cheaper energy and the use of reliable sources of it, such as oil, might help make things less expensive.
Yes, more naïvete. Are there such things as non-profit foreclosures?
This masked man has a sense of history. Abbie Hoffman, a 1960s radical, referred to America as "the pig empire."
Even more naïvete: Is there an economy that is not resource based? I know, a resource based economy is a lefty shangri-la.
Is this gentleman familiar with the Solyndra scandal?
Chicago needs school vouchers and its public schools need to abolish teacher tenure.
I'm not sure Ms. Mask has in mind as a replacement for liberal Keynesianism, but she's right--it has to go. What did I say about obscenities?
A Ron Paul supporter. With the Fed so close by, I knew the Paul cultists would show up.
More later today.
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I saw that same Ron Paul supporter at Columbus and Illinois last August:
Well, they all look pretty mainstream, don't they? Haaaaaa.
Very mainstream. Not.
Good eye w/that Paul supporter.
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