What follows is an exclusive Marathon Pundit video recorded Wednesday afternoon at their OccupyCityHall protest.
If you need legal advice, it's best to seek out a qualified source, such as a lawyer. John Sheehan, an Occupy Chicago denizen who says he is a video activist known as DogStar7, gives out legal advice on eavesdropping laws--but only after he says he is not an attorney.
I don't know what this guy is specifically referring to here--since anybody who is giving a speech at a public protest on a street has, in my lawyer's words, "no expectation of privacy." However, that's based on Illinois law, the law may be different where you live. If Sheehan is speaking about videotaping police taking people in custody, well, that's a much different manner, since the police--who put their lives on the line every day--need adequate space when they are arresting people. The cops have a reasonable fear that some lowlife might attempt to grab their service revolver or nightstick, or even assault them, while they are cuffing someone. Stay out of their way.
But Sheehan says to his minions, "Some of you may have chilled by the aspect that you may be arrested for recording on the streets of Illinois." Yeah, right.
I'm of the mind that if a police officer tells you to do something--you listen. Living that way has served me well.
But don't let me be your final word on legal matters--contact an attorney instead.
This has nothing to do with the law--but the cult-like chanting by the Occupy Chicago robots is quite disturbing.
Future Occupy Chicago chant?
Speaker: "Now I'm going to drink the poisoned Kool-aid."
Chanters reply: "Now I'm going to drink the poisoned Kool-aid."
And finally, any time an attorney makes you chant--run away!
Earlier posts:
Video: Andy Thayer, who is under investigation by the FBI for possible terror ties, speaks at OccupyChicago
Chicago OccupyCityHall protest pics
Video: OccupyChicago anti-Israel rant
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It's not cult-like chanting, it's called the "human microphone," which is used because the protesters' use of a PA system has been curtailed, so they repeat what a speaker says so everyone in back can hear. Sometimes replies come back . . . like the marriage proposal at one recent event.
Thanks, Steve. I guess that explains the prinicple. But are they transforming the human microphone into cult-like chanting? Sheehan used a bullforn. And in my earlier video, Thayer didn't need one--there were about 50 ppl at these speeches, although as you know, sound can do tricky things in the LaSalle Street canyon.
I still don't know what the finger-waving thing is all about.
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