Thursday, November 04, 2010

Chicago Marathon 10/10/10: Fun spectators

Spectators come to a major marathon to gaze at the runners--and as you've seen so far, there are many interesting sights to take in. But some of the watchers bear watching. As for the gentleman on the left, yes, marathoners indeed "do it longer," running improves cardiovascular health--among other things. He was encouraging the athletes at the start of the race.

The venerable Moody Bible Institute is a church, a college, and it has a radio station. I'm sure I'm leaving out some others. The supporters on the right were anything but moody when the Bank of America Chicago Marathon on 10/10/10.

The gentleman on the left is a race official, not exactly a spectator, but this warrior from the film 300 was directing over 30,000 runners at Cermak and Michigan near the end of the race, where simply finishing, not "doing it longer" is foremost on the minds of runners.

The 300 outfit is not a non sequitur. The marathon race gets its inspiration from the ancient Greek herald Pheidippides, who according to tradition ran roughly 25 miles from Marathon to Athens to give word of a great victory over the Persians. He died after proclaiming, "Rejoice, we conquer."

Next: A final look.

Earlier posts:

Chicago Marathon 10/10/10: Chinatown
Chicago Marathon 10/10/10: Pilsen and sponges
Chicago Marathon 10/10/10: International runners
Chicago Marathon 10/10/10: Cancer runners
Chicago Marathon 10/10/10: More charity runners
Chicago Marathon 10/10/10: Charity runners
Chicago Marathon 10/10/10: I gotta pee
Chicago Marathon 10/10/10: Politics
Chicago Marathon 10/10/10: Boystown
Chicago Marathon 10/10/10: Saluting the troops
Miss Black Illinois completes Chicago Marathon
My 21st consecutive Chicago Marathon

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