But what goes in must come out. Try as they might, no race organizer ever has enough portable toilets to handle the needed relief. The women on the top left found a standard washroom, but they have to wait in line just like everyone else.
Well, not exactly. The men on the right have taken matters into, excuse me, their own hands. This is a fairly common, but illegal, way around the pressing problem of long bathroom lines.
As I remarked in my first Chicago Marathon 10/10/10 post, I began the race injured and I ran most of the race in pain. Today I went to my doctor, she prescribed a medication, along with lots of ice and rest. So that means no running for a while. I've got tendinitis in my right calf.< Next: Charities
Earlier posts:
Chicago Marathon 10/10/10: Politics
Chicago Marathon 10/10/10: Boystown
Chicago Marathon 10/10/10: Saluting the troops
Miss Black Illinois completes Chicago Marathon
My 21st consecutive Chicago Marathon
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2012 Chicago Marathon T-Shirt
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