Ayers and Obama served on the board of The Woods Fund, and gave the Arab American Action Network $40,000, a group headed by Khalidi's wife.
The LA Times refuses to release the tape.
Khalidi supports suicide bombers:
During documented speeches and public events, Khalidi has called Israel an "apartheid system in creation" and a destructive "racist" state.
He has multiple times expressed support for Palestinian terror, calling suicide bombings response to "Israeli aggression." He dedicated his 1986 book, "Under Siege," to "those who gave their lives ... in defense of the cause of Palestine and independence of Lebanon." Critics assailed the book as excusing Palestinian terrorism.
The Times claims that its reporters promised the source of the tape it would not release it to the public. Maybe. Or is the Times, a very liberal paper, trying to protect Obama?
Two days ago the Audit Bureau of Circulations released a report on newspaper circulation. Overall, 4.6 percent fewer newsapers were sold compared one year ago.
The circuation of the Times was down 5.2 percent. The Chicago Tribune, owned by the same parent organization, saw its newspaper sales decline 7.8 percent.
Gee, I wonder why readers are running away from newspapers?
Newsbusters has a good thought:
Just a thought here, folks, but perhaps everybody is appealing for that Khalidi video in the wrong place. The Los Angeles Times staff won't easily release that video because of their obvious bias. However, the person who actually owns the LA Times is Sam Zell. I don't know Zell's politics but I do know he definitely doesn't want to lose readers. An appeal should be made for that video directly to Sam Zell. If Zell orders the Times to post that video on its website, the hits to that newspaper would reach an all-time high. If they don't then the Times will continue to bleed readers. Sam Zell: that is the person to contact. The e-mail addy I posted earlier didn't work. However I did fax him successfully at the L.A. Times. The fax # is: 213-237-3535. I sent it for free from a free fax site: FAX ZERO.
So did I.
Related post:
Chicago Tribune's Obama endorsement: It's about keeping subscribers
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The LA Times editor Russ Stanton claims they got the tape in confidence. They should reveal the transcripts of the portion where Obama speaks about Khalidi's work. I bet he praises him up and down, why else would he be at a dinner unless he was sympathetic to him---oh that's Right Khalidi's kids babysat Obama's kids.
...this is not the Rashid Khalidi I knew...
Information control.
The only difference between us and the old Soviet Union now is that the government is not controlling the release of information...
liberal media outlets are.
Government control of information will start 4 November.
How's that target practice going, John?
More damage can be done if they don't release it. Keep it front and center and say what you 'think' is on the tape. They can't prove you wrong without releasing it in it's complete form.
Dear Mr. Stanton:
Frankly, your claim of "confidence-as-a-precondition" makes no sense. Why would someone give a video to the LA Times, permit the LA Times to see it and report about it, but not let others see it?
Let us see the tape. Treat us like adults. Don't filter the news for us.
The stakes are high - choosing a President - and keeping information from the public is not what news organizations are supposed to do. If my future President raised his glass in a toast to another former terrorist with a PhD, I'd like to know about it.
It looks like you are hiding something. Uh, like the truth.
Obama doesn't want the Los Angeles times to release the video tape of Obama praising Khalidi. Palestinian phone banks raised money for Obama. Obama has refused to disclose where about 300 million dollars of his donations have come from. Speculation is that it came from foreign countries. Muslim mosques have raised money for Obama. Obama spent TWENTY YEARS with with Jeremiah Wright's church, which gave a lifetime achievement award to Jew Hater Louis Farrakhan. Every Muslim leader supports Obama. But, in order to get elected, Obama assures American Jews that he supports Israel. I don't trust Obama. And, as the election approaches – and you consider Obama's economic plan ...
remember the wise words of Abraham Lincoln
* You cannot help the poor, by destroying the rich.
* You cannot strengthen the weak, by weakening the strong .
* You cannot bring about prosperity, by discouraging thrift.
* You cannot lift the wage earner up, by pulling the wage payer down.
* You cannot further the brotherhood of man, by inciting class hatred.
* You cannot build character and courage, by taking away men's
initiative and independence.
* You cannot help men permanently, by doing for them what they could
and should, do for themselves.
You saps. Are you hypocrites? You are if you don't get similarly outraged at the fact that McLame as head of some repuglican money bags gave a grant of nearly a half mil to khalidi's group.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
lib trolling the wingnut rags for fun
I don't smoke. I'm the Marathon Pundit, you astroturfer.
Thank you for emailing Governor Linda Lingle’s office. A recent article in WorldNetDaily.com (October 26, 2008) claiming that Hawai‘i Governor Linda Lingle sealed Sen. Barack Obama’s birth certificate is false.
Under Hawai‘i’s state law (Hawai‘i Revised Statutes §338-18), copies of vital records may only be released to those who have a tangible relationship to the person whose record is being sought. Neither the Governor's office, nor any other office in the State of Hawai'i, can provide information concerning birth certificates, or produce birth certificates, to anyone except those who are listed in the law governing vital statistics records.
Vital statistics records, such as birth certificates, are protected by strict confidentiality requirements. Specifically, pursuant to section 338-18, Hawai‘i Revised Statutes (HRS), the Department of Health, which maintains these records, may not allow the inspection of a birth certificate, or issue a certified copy of a birth certificate, or disclose any information contained in a birth certificate, unless it is satisfied that the applicant has a direct and tangible interest in the record:
(a) To protect the integrity of vital statistics records, to ensure their proper use, and to ensure the efficient and proper administration of the vital statistics system, it shall be unlawful for any person to permit inspection of, or to disclose information contained in vital statistics records, or to copy or issue a copy of all or part of any such record, except as authorized by this part or by rules adopted by the department of health.
(b) The department shall not permit inspection of public health statistics records, or issue a certified copy of any such record or part thereof, unless it is satisfied that the applicant has a direct and tangible interest in the record. The following persons shall be considered to have a direct and tangible interest in a public health statistics record:
(1) The registrant;
(2) The spouse of the registrant;
(3) A parent of the registrant;
(4) A descendant of the registrant;
(5) A person having a common ancestor with the registrant;
(6) A legal guardian of the registrant;
(7) A person or agency acting on behalf of the registrant;
(8) A personal representative of the registrant’s estate;
(9) A person whose right to inspect or obtain a certified copy of the record is established by an order of a court of competent jurisdiction;
(10) Adoptive parents who have filed a petition for adoption and who need to determine the death of one or more of the prospective adopted child’s natural or legal parents;
(11) A person who needs to determine the marital status of a former spouse in order to determine the payment of alimony;
(12) A person who needs to determine the death of a nonrelated co-owner of property purchased under a joint tenancy agreement; and
(13) A person who needs a death certificate for the determination of payments under a credit insurance policy.
You can find the complete statute athttp://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/hrscurrent/Vol06_Ch0321-0344/HRS0338/HRS_0338-0018.htm
Office of Governor Lingle
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