The Hall of Fame tight end and legendary former Chicago Bears coach said this about the Alaska governor:
Sarah Palin epitomizes all the good things, all the good values, of this country.
Bear down, McCain-Palin! And listen to "Da Coach!"
UPDATE 8:00pm CDT: Courtesy of the Fox News Embeds blog, here are more of Ditka's comments:
"I'm not here because I'm a Republican, which I am, and I'm not here because I'm a conservative, which I am. I’m here because I am an American. It's time in this country you put party lines on the backburner and you put your country first." Ditka said, "When I was growing up, it was back in 1963. Then John Kennedy became president-he made a statement: 'ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.' Now, it seems to be just the opposite. This is the land of opportunity. It's not a land of handouts. If you're willing to work, you can find a job. I want to say how proud I am because I think Sarah Palin epitomizes all the good things, all the good values, of this country. She's a wife, she's a mother, she's a hockey mom, she’s a part-time coach. She was a great leader and is a great leader in the state of Alaska, and she will make a great vice president of the United States, Sarah Palin."
Hat tip to Backyard Conservative.
Related post:
Ditka on White Sox manager: "I like Ozzie"
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Ditka not putting Country first:
John McCain knowingly did not put country first when he picked Sarah Palin (a move he has described as a "cold hard political calculation"). He knew she was not qualified and would put our country in danger if she assumed the presidency.
McCain’s history is one of self-serving calculation. When he was on the road to becoming an incompetent pilot; When he was partying, drinking, serial philandering and not studying flight manuals and drills; When his shameful behavior eventually resulted in loss of 3 jets through negligence (official investigation conclusions), he was not “putting country first”. Those 3 jet losses do not include the loss of his aircraft on the USS Forrestal (not his fault) or when he got shot down (after admittedly ignoring SAM alarms violating standing procedures).
McCain has never, even while in the Senate for over 20 years, done his homework or acted responsibly. He has demonstrated shocking ignorance about many things that anyone putting country first would have studied and known, such as: Not knowing the purpose or scope of authority of committees he chaired, not knowing more than 4 years into the Iraq war the difference between Sunni and Shia, who in Iraq supported the coalition or the new Iraqi government, what countries border Iraq or Pakistan, who controls the military in Iran etc. etc.
I agree with Ditka. Let’s put our country first and vote against John McCain.
Never doubt Ditka.
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