Interstate 70 in Colorado |
Despite environmentalist opposition--America was more confident on March 27, 1975 when construction of
the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, In 2015 our first anti-American president, Barack Obama, vetoed legislation that would authorize the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline--which will bring much needed petroleum from our friends in Canada and lessen our dependence from hostile nations in the Middle East.
No one wondered whether our president in 1975--Gerald Ford--loved America.
Here it is; The last refuge of the conservative movement. Being for the Keystone XL because it's patriotic, since Obama is anti-American (black). There's no need to listen to science, because Obama is anti-American (black). All that's left for the GOP (and their disgusting enablers) is to blow the dog-whistle, they are intellectually and morally bankrupt.
I'll save you the trouble of replying by doing it for you: I know you are but what am I?
It's not that Obama is black that I view as a problem--it's that he's a white liberal. And Dear Leader once said that "we can't drill our way out of this problem," but in North Dakota we proved Obama wrong. Again.
You're blowing the dog whistle for all your sniveling racist pals. It's pathetic and cowardly the way you slither away from whatever disgusting garbage you expel.
I don't like Obama or his policies and that makes me racist? Accusing someone of bigotry is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Maybe your racism is so ingrained you don't even recognize it, but that doesn't make it any less disgusting. You're a disgrace to America.
And I already did the 'I know you are but what am I' for you, trash.
Former congressman Allen Wast, a retired Army colonel, loves America
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