And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land, God bless the U.S.A.
Lee Greenwood, God Bless The USA,
That song isn't on Michelle Obama's iPod.
The leader of the Cult of Change's wife had this to say yesterday at an appearance in Milwaukee yesterday:
For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country, because it feels like hope is making a comeback.
If you listen closely to the YouTube audio, you'll hear cheers.
It's a revelation when you see hard-left statements leak out of a presidential campaign.
The day after officially launching his presidential campaign, Barack Obama said this:
We ended up launching a war that should have never been authorized, and should never been waged, and on which we have now spent $400 billion, and have seen over 3,000 lives of the bravest young Americans wasted.
Hillary Rodham Clinton "air of inevitibility" began to sink when she was caught doubletalking between the left-wing stance on driver's licenses for illegals and the one most Americans agree with--they shouldn't get them.
In varying degrees, each statement was explained away.
But not forgotten.
In fact earlier this morning, Cindy McCain introduced her husband to an audience of supporters in Brookfield, Wisconsin, telling them "I'm proud of my country, I'm very proud of my country."
Related post:
Obama's Wal-Mart connection: Wife served on board of big Wal-Mart supplier
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Um...she's been ashamed to be American until now? Let me tell you, she's not so much proud of this "moment in history" as excited because she has a shot at living at America's most exclusive address...1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
And I'm sick of people like her constantly putting America down. So is Mark Levin, who had a few choice words about what this ninny said:
I'm with Juan Williams on how Michelle might be interpreted. Ie - parsing her out, she's saying that she's proud of America for looking strongly at a black candidate.
She's got a point.
Then again, she's educated enough to make that point in a much better way.
Then again, she's a democrat. Democrats hate America unless it's doing something for them, and them only.
she has always been proud, u should have seen her speced in Del. on Cspan a few weeks ago. well Obama does have a Coretta. and if Obama wins the delegate count and hill wins the super del's, it will be like running into a brick wall for the Dems
This sister is not crazy about her husband pursuing the presidency. She would prefer that her private life remains just that - private. On the other hand, I am glad that the public is finally catching on the her and the fact that anything - or anybody - to good to be true, usually is. Don't trip over my use of the term "Sister" - I'm African American myself. Janice in NC
How sad. But the big news is the Cuban flag that was found hanging in one of Obama's Houston offices with a picture of Communist Che Guevara!! I hope and pray that Americans will wake up and no longer support this man. I am an African American who WILL NOT vote for Obama as our president. Johnson
And Cindy McCain's Patriotic Resume?
A painkiller addict, Admitting stealing drugs from a charity she represented, The charity she stole drugs from was set up to help soldiers at war, Had an extra-marital affair with John McCain before he was divorced. His ex-wife, by the way, was a cripple. A former rodeo queen who has primarily worked for her father all her life. Her father was a self-admitted bootlegger, a gambler, tied to organized crime...that is, a criminal. Her father's money has enabled her to bankrole her husband's first failed attempt at the presidency and continues to today. Acknowledging that McCain had made many enemies in Republican ranks, she added: “The only person my husband can trust is me.”
Hmmm, judging from your resume, lady, he can't trust you either.
Michael...The McCain of 25 years ago is not running for president today. McCains's POW torture injuries, both mental and physical, added tension to the marriage. Jim Hensley, McCain's father in law, was not a perfect man. Keep in mind we're talking about something Michelle Obama said two days ago.
"McCain's father in law, was not a perfect man. . . .."
Bootleggin', Gamblin,' Gin- Guzzlin,' and Whore-mongerin'!!!!!
Rubes, I would say that makes the McCain extended family positively Kennedyesque!
Now for pure Camelot, if John could drown some poor girl, get a couple of the nephews to rape another girl, put the fix in and and beat the rap, John McCain could be a DNC Superdelegate!
As much as I don't like McCain, nor do I agree with some of his "accomplishments" (ie - the McCain-Feingold abortion), I will grant that McCain has actually accomplished SOMETHING.
As for hte extra-marital stuff ... hey, Michael, did you vote for Clinton?
... Hmmmm... just curious.
See, Rubes? Smug yet ignorant.
Libs. Gotta' love 'em.
Also gotta' treat 'em like the mentally infirm.
You're such a partisan hack. Would it kill you to post what she actually said? It's right there on the video. She said it was the first time she was "really" proud of her country.
Now I expect you'll continue to parse every word that she says (to be fair, she should expect it), but try not to twist it into something that it isn't.
Maybe Pat Hickey can help you understand english. I remember him as a fine teacher at Bishop Mac back in the day.
If you were to diagram her sentence (again, ask Hickey to teach you), you will note that "really" amplifies "proud." As in very proud. Or to put it in simpler terms, it doesn't mean she hasn't been proud of her country, it means she is more proud now.
I realize this is a hard concept for you to grasp. Again, back in 1982, when Pat Hickey made more sense, this was how we were taught to use the English language.
That you choose to disregard what she actually said because it doesn't reinforce what you believe, doesn't make it true.
Your partisanship makes you lie. Lying is destroying our political discourse and damaging our democracy. I'll ask you again, why do you hate this country John?
PS: Do McCain supporters really want to go down this road? Really? No wonder you were hoping Hillary would win, to keep the spouses out of it.
There aren't quotation marks around what I put in that headline, and I did put the YouTube video up so folks can form their own opinion.
That would pass Mr. Hickey's grammar test.
Since Ms. Obama hasn't clarified her remarks, she leaves it up to people ourselves to interpret.
I'll start:
Michelle wasn't proud of her country before? Not after the "Miracle on Ice?" When we won the Cold War? When she graduated college? Or law school? Or when her husband was first elected to public office?
Next, I've ignored your preposterous claims that I hate my country. Simply put, I don't.
I welcome you to spend as much time as you like on this blog to find statements that prove your "point." Failing that, I didn't just land on this Earth with a chunk of Kryptonite a few years ago--track down individuals I know, family members, friends, enemies, and the like, and see if you find something that proves your vacuous statement.
Hey, I started things for you. I just asked Mrs. Marathon Pundit if I hated my country, she said "No."
I leave the last words to "Yo":
Libs. Gotta' love 'em.
Also gotta' treat 'em like the mentally infirm.
OK, so you purposefully chose to mistranscribe what the video clearly showed were her actual remarks. Why?
For those of your readers who skipped the video, she said that this was the first time she was REALLY proud of her country.
So perhaps she was as proud as you were that the USA hockey team won the gold in 1980, etc., I don't know, and neither do you. What anyone who looks at the video objectively knows is that she is MORE proud today because voters have given an African-American presidential candidate a strong chance to win a major party's endorsement.
And why wouldn't you use her exact quote from the video?
Too lazy?
Too stupid?
Too partisan?
To clarify, as bad as your headline is, I was referring to your purposefully mistranscibing this:
"The leader of the Cult of Change's wife had this to say yesterday at an appearance in Milwaukee yesterday:
----For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country, because it feels like hope is making a comeback.----
If you listen more closely, you can hear her modify the adjective "proud" with the adverb "really," meaning of a greater degree (syn: very, more).
Again, maybe Hickey will defend your english here. Lord knows he defends you politically. At least I think he's defending you. He's become so incoherent it's hard to tell what he's saying.
Okay, I fixed. Was she "sort of" proud before?
I just saw Scott Rasmussen on the O'Reilly Factor, he said if this was the general election, it would've been a big mistake.
This one will be spreading around for months.
"she said that this was the first time she was REALLY proud of her country."
Why not just state that neither John, nor his readers are intelligent enough understand the subtle nuances of voice inflection?
"If you listen more closely, you can hear her modify the adjective "proud" with the adverb "really," meaning of a greater degree (syn: very, more)."
Seriously, man, if you need to get on your hands and knees and draw out the specifics of her statement's nuance in the dirt, your argument isn't that strong.
Then, Michelle completely destroys her own argument by coming back and making the same statement a few days later.
When you shoot yourself in the foot, don't come back and shoot the other foot. It's not logical.
She f'd up. Admit it. She made an ambiguous comment and she's getting called on it.
She and Bam Bam's campaign are doing a piss poor job of back-peddling.
I will say that I am proud to be an American. Especially when a political figure can make a bone-headed statement and we can beat her, and her defenders, senseless over it.
Do that in Venezuela and see how far that goes.
Or Iran.
Or China.
Or Russia.
Everytime I can make bone headed statements in public, makes me proud of my country.
My question to you is, how many times have you given Bush this level of lee-way in his statements?
I'm going to step on a ledge here and say: zero.
Note: when you only defend in one direction, it's called hypocrisy.
As for Hope making a comeback ... puh-LEEEEZE. Hope is always around. Without hope you wouldn't get out of bed. Obama has not single handedly resurrected hope. He's only pointed out that a majority of people are too friggin' lazy to get off their cheeto-stuffed asses to take their civic responsibilities seriously.
Voting for "hope" is one thing.
Voting for real "change" is another.
Using your vote, properly, is almost unheard of anymore.
Bam Bam has no proof, whatsoever, that he can enact change. He's simply stating that he'll exercise all of our guilt for not being good citizens, in the first place.
But what has he ever done?
He wrote a couple of interesting books. Whoop-dee-doo.
He entered Illinois politics via the machinations of a corrupt Democratic party.
He gained access to Congress since the Illinois GOP had nothing to throw at him better than Alan Keyes.
And what sorts of representation have you recv'd from him during his first term? He's been campaigning for almost half of it.
He has accomplished nothing in the public sector that warrants anything more than a possible second term.
Face it, you're championing an empty suit.
You've been sucked in by a cult of personality.
Shame on you.
You're fallen prey to identity politics and to the ignored realization that the "change" he seeks is to erase the fact that we, the American people, have allowed the evil in Washington to fester since we keep electing the same idiots into office.
Bam Bam is nothing more than the epitome of a political money pit.
Hillary Clinton, upon winning her Senate seat in '00, said she'd "change" the electoral process.
How'd that work?
Pelosi said she'd CHANGE the ethical standards in Congress.
How'd that work?
If everyone who called for change actually made any, we wouldn't need it.
And to come in here to parse out every leeelte detail then present it to us as though we were idiots, and then be insulting on top of that only goes to prove that you're ignoring your complicity in the current political climate and projecting your self-hate outward.
Personal responsibility.
That's something I sincerely HOPE people will start to understand a little better.
That would be welcomed CHANGE.
I don't think anyone who heard Michelle say those words construed them as meaning 'very' proud. There is more than one defition of really and the context, as well as the intonation of the word really lead on to believe that she meant truly. These are basic language and speaking skills we all learned in high school speech class. I think Michelle meant that she had never before felt like the presidential election properly represented the purpose and spirit of America. While I understand her meaning in saying this, I disagree with her attitude. I think she has allowed herself to take so much of being an American for granted and that is why she has never really been proud of her citizenship. Now I'm sure she was proud of being an American if she had ever stopped to consider all that that entails, but don't try to justify what she said by changing the meaning of her words. Don't make judgments simply because of a person's political alignment.
Well...for one thing, I'm glad that she's proud to be an American; however, I am suprised that it took this long. If she didn't like being an American, no one was forcing her to stay here. Secondly, I want to know how Obama can be running to be the president of a country that he won't even say the pledge to. Does that make any sense? I don't think so! So basically, as someone who is PROUD to be an American, I can infer that if Barack Hussein Obama happens to win (for some idiotic reason), our country will be run by a man who has NO patriotism and who is supported by a wife who can't be proud of her country until her husband decides that he will run for an Oval office.
The reason why none of you understand what Michelle meant is because you do not understand nor care about the African American's or any other person of color's experience in this US of A, the land of the free. Free to harass, free to kill, free to hold if you're not like me mentality. Sure, when black people have to look over their shoulders wherever they go, to school, to church, to work, it's nothing to be proud of. If the McCains don't understand what she meant, as a Black Candidate then they will continue run this country into the racist ground it was established on from the beginning. If one has not walked in the shoes of another, why do they feel they are qualified to comment? That's Americans, not America!
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