Thursday, June 14, 2012

From where Obama will speak today: Bill Clinton 2 years ago, "If it doesn't work, vote us out"

Not much mew is expected from yet another so-called Obama speech on jobs. But history supplies us with a headline. From USA Today:
President Obama's campaign speech on the economy today will be delivered in the same spot where Bill Clinton delivered a 2010 campaign speech Obama might just as soon forget.

In September 2010, Clinton told his Cuyahoga Community College audience in Cleveland that Democrats deserved two more years to fix the nation's economy.

"The Democrats are saying something like this: 'We found a big hole that we did not dig. We didn't get it filled in 21 months, but at least we quit digging,'" Clinton said at the time. "'Give us two more years. If it doesn't work, vote us out.'"
I expect voters to do just that in November.

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