Wednesday, May 30, 2012

(Video) Sununu scolds CNN's O'Brien over Trump and the birther issue

Reputed CNN journalist Soledad O'Brien might as well wear an Obama-Biden 2012 button when she appears on the air. Watch as former New Hampshire Governor John H. Sununu scolds O'Brien for being a mouthpiece for the Dems as she tries to tie Mitt Romney to the "birther" issue formerly championed by Donald Trump.

"Mitt Romney has made it clear he believes the president of the United States was born in the United States," Sununu told O'Briend. "Now we can talk about the big issues in this country…24 million people unemployed," he added.

Sununu is  then compelled to admonish her later in the interview. "Aren't you embarrassed to be speaking directlty from the Obama speaking points that they distributed yesterday?"

While Sununu is from the Granite State, it's O'Brien who has rocks in her head.

But I'll give her credit. At least she use Wikepedia as her source this time.

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O'Brien's Wiki oops courtesy of Joel Pollak over Critical Race Theory
Obama: What about Maher? Van Jones? Occupy?

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