Friday, March 09, 2012

O'Brien's Wiki oops courtesy of Joel Pollak over Critical Race Theory

Pollak in suit outside the Skokie CTA station, 2010
It appears that CNN's Soledad O'Brien made a couple of mistakes yesterday while interviewing's Joel Pollak yesterday about President Obama's loving speech in support of radical Harvard law professor Derrick Bell. He embraces the equally radical Critical Race Theory, which among things, views the civil rights movement as a farce.

O'Brien's first mistake was to challenge Pollak, who is one of the smartest people I know. It's a pity that Democrat Jan Schakowsky, not Pollak, represents me in Congress. Okay, she almost certainly didn't know Pollak, but then she made her bigger error--O'Brien attempted to challenge Pollak on Critical Race Theory--even though it seems early on in the interview that she had no idea what it was. Finally she barked back with what RebelPundit believes was a definition lifted from Wikipedia. Help from her producer?

O'Brien should drop the charade and wear an Obama "O" button on her lapel during her broadcasts.

Afterwards there were numerous edits to that Wikipedia definition.

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