Any health care funding plan that is just equitable civilized and humane must, must redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer and the less fortunate. Excellent health care is by definition redistributional. Britain you chose well.
Take a look at my British ObamaCare links at the bottom of this post. You'll learn about unnecessary deaths, overpaid bureaucrats, rationing, "postal-code lotteries," blood-splattered wards, and even bats flying around a British hospital. In fairness to the UK, they didn't know what they were getting into when they veered left and took the path to socialized medicine six decades ago.
We should know better.
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British ObamaCare update: "Filthy, blood-splattered wards"
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British ObamaCare update: Euthanasia by stealth
British ObamaCare update: Bats found flying in Scottish hospital
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I was born in England, I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters, I am no stranger to National Health Hospitals. I suffered from Ashma when I was a kid. I have lived in the USA for 20 years and have insurance through my work for and large corporation. I would rather have the health care system we have in UK than the Mishmash we have here. The best thing about the UK is the health care. The worst thing about the US is the heath care. Everything in you post is a either a Blatant distortion or a Lie.
"Blood splattered wards" comes from the Daily Mail. "Bats flying around Scottish Hospital" comes from the BBC. "Post-code" lottery comes from the lottery.
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