Saturday, December 19, 2009

Robert Creamer compares Joe Lieberman to a suicide bomber

On Thursday evening, Robert Creamer, the ex-con husband of Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)--who sort-of represents me in Congress, compared Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) to a suicide bomber during an appearance on Nicole Sandler's Air America radio program.

Lieberman has drawn ire from the angry far-left for forcing the Democrats to drop the unpopular public-option from the unpopular Senate health bill.

Creamer told Sandler that the Connecticut Senator "has the suicide bomber advantage. He doesn't care if he blows the whole house down."

Creamer added that the U.S. should get rid of "crazy rules in the Senate that empower people like Joe Lieberman."

Joel Pollak, the Harvard law student who stood up to Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) in April in a well-publicized confrontation, had this to say about those comments:

I call on Rep. Schakowsky to repudiate Mr. Creamer's remarks, or else inform her constituents whether she considers Sen. Lieberman a "suicide bomber."

Pollak, whom this blog has endorsed, is an Evanston Republican who hopes to unseat Schakowsky next fall.

Related posts:

A feud: Glenn Beck vs. ex-con Robert Creamer
Glenn Beck rips Robert Creamer and his left-wing agenda
Repost from 2007: Liberals laud book by ex-con husband of Rep. Jan Schakowsky
Accuracy in Media on Robert Creamer
Ex-con Robert Creamer, husband of Rep. Jan Schakowsky, guest at tonight's White House state dinner
More Blago baggage for Giannoulias: Schakowsky and Creamer
Schakowsky town hall report
Leftist congresscritter calls Tea Parties "shameful" and "despicable"
Punishing the Blago enablers, part one: Jan Schakowksy
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Report from The Bench: Chicago scumbags gather at Obama rally
Rep. Schakowsky: Let your moonbat flag fly
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Ex-con and congresswoman's husband Creamer taught at Camp Obama
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1 comment:

Tom Degan said...

A tip of the hat to the senator from Connecticut....

Honestly, has there ever been as vengeful a little gnat as Joe Lieberman? You'd really have to search the archives of history pretty thoroughly to find someone comparable. There are many reasons why Al Gore was defeated in 2000 by a half-witted frat boy like George W. Bush. One of the main reasons was the abysmal choice of running mate Lieberman.

It was obvious during the debate with Dick Cheney during that campaign that comical Joe was a useless drag on the ticket. When Cheney said that his success in the private sector had nothing to do with the government, Lieberman let the statement stand. Cheney made his fortune at Haliburton because of Government contracts! Government had everything to do with it! Did he purposefully sabotage the Gore campaign? Maybe it's pure paranoia on my part but a case could be made that he did.

Say it ain't so, Revoltin' Joe.

Tom Degan
Goshen NY