According to the Chicago Tribune, a Polish group is upset about it, even though Schakowsky isn't Polish.
Also thin-skinned is Robert Creamer, Sckakowsky's ex-con husband. Beck, at least on Monday, also mispronounced Creamer's surname--it's pronounced "Kramer."
The Chicago Tribune reports on a budding feud of Beck and Creamer, the self-appointed consumer advocate said Beck is part of a "new McCarthyist movement of the far right." All Beck did was bring up Creamer's check-kiting of $2 million. But he forgot to mention that Schakowsky was on the board of director's of Creamer's goo-goo group, the Illinois Public Action Council, while her husband writing was those funny checks. Schakowsky has not been accused of wrongdoing.
More from the Trib:
Beck also hammered Creamer for attending the Nov. 24 state dinner at the White House with Schakowsky. And he maintained that a book Creamer wrote -- a "prison manifesto," in Beck's words -- was the basis of the president's health care reform initiatives.
Talking about Beck, Creamer said: "This is a man who lies about everything."
"It is important," Creamer said, "for the targets of the smear machine to push back and to use whatever kind of means we can to prevent him from continuing these kinds of reckless charges."
Creamer acknowledged writing part of his book, "Listen to Your Mother: Stand up Straight! How Progressives Can Win," while in prison. But he said it was "laughable" to view it as the basis for President Barack Obama's health care policies. "I wish I had that much influence over the White House, but I don't," Creamer said.
If Beck is part of some McCarthyist movement, am I?
And does Glenn Beck really lie about everything?
Disclosure: My maternal grandmother's maiden name was McCarthy. The truth is out. Unless I lie about everything, that is.
As for Schakowsky, it's easy to understand why she wants to reinstate the so-called Fairness Doctrine.
Related posts:
Glenn Beck rips Robert Creamer and his left-wing agenda
Repost from 2007: Liberals laud book by ex-con husband of Rep. Jan Schakowsky
Accuracy in Media on Robert Creamer
Ex-con Robert Creamer, husband of Rep. Jan Schakowsky, guest at tonight's White House state dinner
More Blago baggage for Giannoulias: Schakowsky and Creamer
Schakowsky town hall report
Leftist congresscritter calls Tea Parties "shameful" and "despicable"
Punishing the Blago enablers, part one: Jan Schakowksy
Spotlight on Schakowsky exposes an earmark problem
Blagojevich-enabler Schakowsky voted "present" on 2007 House Christmas resolution
Report from The Bench: Chicago scumbags gather at Obama rally
Rep. Schakowsky: Let your moonbat flag fly
Leftist congresswoman wants to reinstate "Fairness Doctrine"
Ex-con and congresswoman's husband Creamer taught at Camp Obama
Cong. Schakowsky: Choosing her anti-semitism battles
Cong. Schakowsky's husband enters federal prison
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So funny. Our country is being assaulted on all fronts by a government out of control, and this is what we have to worry about?
My friend's last name was "Creamer" and it was pronounced "CREAM-er" when we were growing up and right up till the mid to late 80's, whan suddenly they became the "KRAM-ers". Best part was, he married another friend whose last name was Semon, pronounced "SEA-mon" right up till about the same time, and is now "SIMONE", very frenchy french... I attended the Semon-Creamer wedding, and to see it up on the big welcome board at the country club was precious!!
My last name gets mangled ALL the time, and as annoying as it can be (spelling it out on the phone's the best) who the heck has time to be offended? Oh, wait, a whiny liberal might make the time.
My last name and the spelling of it gets mangled all of the time.
I persevere.
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