Monday, November 16, 2009

Giannoulias silent on Gitmo North

Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias, a Democrat who is running for the US Senate seat currently held by Rod Blagojevich appointee Roland Burris, is like most politicians a chatty chap. But he's quiet about one thing. In a press release, the Illinois Republican Party tells us what that is.

CHICAGO – Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady today called on Democrat Alexi Giannoulias to end his silence on the biggest homeland security question to face the State of Illinois since September 11th.

While Governor Quinn, Senator Durbin and every other Democrat running for U.S. Senate says they support a plan to bring roughly 200 terrorists from Guantanamo Bay to Thomson, Illinois, Giannoulias refuses to take a position.

On Sunday morning, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that while Democrats Cheryle Jackson, Jacob Meister and David Hoffman all supported the plan, "other prominent Democrats, including Alexi Giannoulias, who is running for Senate…declined to take a stance on the issue."

Last night, the Associated Press reported that the three Senate candidates reiterated their support at a candidate forum in Rockford, but "Alexi Giannoulias, the state treasurer, skipped the debate."

"If Alexi Giannoulias cannot take a stand on a critical homeland security issue, he is not ready to be a U.S. Senator," Chairman Brady said. "While Congressman Kirk leads the effort to defend the security of Illinois families and all other Democrats in the race state their position, Alexi Giannoulias declined to take a stance. Alexi’s silence is deafening."

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