Monday, November 16, 2009

Online petition for those opposed to Gitmo North in Illinois

Rep. Mark Kirk, a Republican Senate candidate, has produced an online petition for
those Illinoisans--which is just about everyone--who oppose the transfer of Gitmo terrorists to northwestern Illinois.

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC

Dear Mr. President:

According to the Chicago Tribune, your Administration may transfer up to 200 Al Qaeda terrorists from their detention facility in Guantanamo Bay to a prison in Thomson, Illinois – 150 miles from Chicago.

If your Administration brings Al Qaeda terrorists to Illinois, our state and the Chicago Metropolitan Area will become ground zero for jihadist terrorist plots, recruitment and radicalization.

Furthermore, since Thomson is located in the Northern District of Illinois, any civilian prosecution of Al Qaeda terrorists would occur in Rockford or downtown Chicago.

As home to America's tallest building and leading defense suppliers, we should not invite Al Qaeda to make Illinois its number one target.

The United States spent more than $50 million to build the Guantanamo Bay detention facility to keep terrorists away from U.S. soil. Al Qaeda terrorists should stay where they cannot endanger American citizens.

As citizens of the State of Illinois, we urge you to put the safety and security of Illinois families first and stop any plan to transfer Al Qaeda terrorists to our state.


Click here to sign the petition.

Just yesterday, Britain's Sunday Times explained the perils of keeping jihadists in civilian prisons.

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