Let me remind you that three years ago, there was a "scandal" involving John Kerry and an intern, Alexandra Polier and the story tanked, because it wasn't true. Thinking it was Monica-gate redux, the Drudge Report jumped on the story, giving the story life for a day or two.
Well, another author
I've been hearing rumors about Hillary being a lesbian for years. And the woman whose former door step (see below post) I was on just last night has been hearing them for years too.
Personally, I think HRC is so lustful (maybe that's not the right word) for presidential power that she'd defy biology and make herself a eunuch to achieve her goal.
I believe even many supporter of Sen. Clinton view her marriage to Bill as a medieval treaty type of union, politics over love, something along the lines of Henry VIII's marriage to Catherine of Aragon, only there was no Henry VII to set the thing up.
True of false, this is a huge problem for Hillary. Just ask Barack Obama about that "Mad Madrassa" story.
And that's got to be scary to the Hillary camp.
On the flipside, Hot Air's Patterico spoke with Matt Welch, an assistant editorial editorial for the Los Angeles Times--he says he knows of no such story that the paper is sitting on.
H/T to Little Green Footballs and Say Anything.
Thanks for the link:
The Bench
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