At the beginning and the end of the Twilight Zone
Well here is your humble correspondent earlier this evening on the front steps of the former Hillary Rodham home on Wisner Avenue in Park Ridge, Illinois. The Rodhams sold the home in the 1970s--the current owners weren't home, so Litte Marathon Pundit and I left there empty-handed.
Oh, the costume is admittedly lame--a Chicago Marathon participant. But I'm wearing an authentic finisher's medal from the now-famous cancelled race.
Now, for whom is this scary? The Clintonistas because I'm there. Or me, because, well, I'm there.
Of course there is fright factor surrounding Hillary Rodham Clinton. A recent Associated Press poll found that among the 2008 presidential candidates, none other than the former Park Ridge "Goldwater Girl" (She peaked early) would make the scariest Halloween costume.
Related post:
Park Ridge, Illinois surrounded by farms? A Hillary fib?
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1 comment:
Nice Halloween costume John.
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