Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Chicago monuments under assault, Part 18: Indian Boundary Lines Plaque

"How do you eat an elephant?" is an often asked metaphorical question. The answer of course is "one bite at a time." 

For years the left has been trying to chip away at our society--and they achieved success in 2020 as statues across America were toppled or damaged by mobs. Police officers in Chicago of course saved the Grant Park Christopher Columbus statue from such a fate. But soon afterwards, in the middle of the night, Mayor Lori Lightfoot ordered all three of Chicago's Columbus statues to be sent to "temporary" storage. allowing a rioters' veto to prevail And around that time she initiated the Chicago Monments Project to see what other stautes and other public works of art on city land that might be deemed offensive.

Way up on northeast corner of the city on a wall at Rogers and Clark Street you'll find the Indian Boundary Lines Plaque. Click here to see it. It reads:

Indian Boundary Lines - Clark Street honors George Rogers Clark, whose brother William Clark, with Ninian Edwards and Auguste Chouteau, in 1816 negotiated Indian treaty ceding land including Chicago site from Rogers Avenue to Lake Calumet. - Erected by Chicago's Charter Jubilee - Authenticated by Chicago Historical Society - 1937.

Rogers Avenue marks the northern end of that old boundary. To the southeast that line, not contigiously, is picked up on the northwest edge of the city and into the suburbs by Forest Preserve Drive. 

Historical? Yes. And while the removal of the Indian Boundary Lines Plaque probably won't inflame non-woke Americans, who I suspect make up a majority of the population even in Chicago, if this one goes, then later let's say the Leif Erikson statue, pretty soon removing monuments to great Americans such as Abraham Lincoln won't seem so radical.

Remember--one bite at a time.

To comment on the monuments "under review" please visit the Chicago Monuments Project's "Feedback page." Please be polite but firm in your comments. 

Please Tweet this post. When you do so use the #ChicagoMonuments hashtag.

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