Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Islamic State beasts threaten to kill family members

The Islamic State savages also kill members of their families, too.

Oh, the Arab News insists on calling ISIS by the same 'Daesh.'

From the Arab News:
Several Daesh terrorists have threatened to kill their families and loved ones in the Kingdom "if they do not repent," according to a video that went viral on social networking sites on Sunday evening.

The threat comes in the wake of a citizen, Saad Al-Anzi, killing his cousin, Madous Al-Anzi, on the first day of Eid Al-Adha, in an incident that shocked Saudi society.

Saad was arrested two days after the crime was committed. The video shows Jammer Al-Khamali Al-Anzi, Al-Anbar deputy commander and a member of the Saudi branch of Daesh, posting pictures of his relatives working in the Kingdom, including his brother, and calling for their killing "if they do not repent."

This comes as Al-Khamali's family publicly disowned him in a press statement. Al-Khamali had previously been jailed for six years in the Kingdom, and was released by the courts.

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