Friday, March 14, 2014

ILSen: Five questions for Jim Oberweis

The Doug Truax campaign has five questions for political gadfly and perennial loser Jim Oberweis:
1) How in the world is a man who takes a week off in the closing days of a primary EVER going to go toe-to-toe with Dick Durbin?
2) How is someone whose spouse lives in another state and whose family derives financial benefit from dodging Illinois' tax laws going to have the moral authority to take on Dick Durbin?
3) How is someone whose campaign routinely deceives the press and public going to take on Dick Durbin?
4) When the heat was on this week, your campaign simply refused to answer any press inquiries for days. How are you possibly going to take on Dick Durbin in the fall with that lack of courage and accountability?
5) If you had a manager at Oberweis Dairy who took a week-long vacation in Florida on the eve of a major store opening, would you fire him/her?
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Related post:

Head in the sand: Oberweis hiding from Truax debate challenges in sunny Florida

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