Wednesday, July 18, 2012

(Video) Romney: Obama's priority isn't creating jobs, it's about keeping his own

When I saw Mitt Romney in action at a town hall meeting in Vernon Hills, Illinois--I was impressed. But a new-and-improved Romney seems to have emerged. Watch as he continues to hammer President Obama's denigrating comments about entrepreneurs.
[Y]ou would think the President would focus all of his energy and his passion on helping people get jobs. But you know what he’s been doing over the last six months? In the last six months, he has held 100 fundraisers. And guess how many meetings he's had with his Jobs Council? None. Zero. Zero, in the last six months. So it makes it very clear where his priorities are. His priority is not creating jobs for you, his priority is trying to keep his own job and that's why he's going to lose it.
Go Mitt!

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