Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Video: Anti-NATO march police gauntlet

Wherever there were anti-NATO protesters during Sunday's march, there were Chicago police officers on each side of the street. The cops were effective--but their show of force must have cost the city a fortune.

Unlike the Black Bloc anarchists, the protesters here had fun with the cops, chanting, "You're sexy, your cute, take off your riot suit."

I posted this video to give you an idea how the police operated not just during the official anti-NATO Summit march, but at other Occupy-related events such as the march to Rahm Emanuel's home the afternoon before, as well as the May Day march. For their own sake, I hope that law enforcement officials in Charlotte, which is hosting the Democratic National Convention, and Tampa, which is hosting their Republican counterparts, will use similar tactics when protesters descend upon their cities.
McCarthy at Daley Plaza,
May 18

And while I still blame the Chicago Police for my ending up on the bottom of a pile of occupiers later that day, I believe they performed superbly under very difficult conditions during NATO week.. Several times during the various demonstrations I saw Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy overseeing police presence. At the "Battle of Michigan and Cermak" he was on the scene--and he was not wearing riot gear. Although I am compelled to add that McCarthy still needs to apologize for blaming federal gun laws and Sarah Palin for Chicago's frighteningly high rate of gun violence.

In addition to the Chicago cops, I saw officers from the Illinois State Police, the US Secret Service, and even cops from Joliet, Illinois--who brought their own armored car.

Who knew they had one!

Earlier posts:

NSFW video: Before Michigan & Cermak--anarchists on the march
Video: Few people listening to anti-NATO speeches
(Photos) Leftist celebrities at anti-NATO rally and march: Ayers, Dohrn, Jesse, Medea
Pics from the anti-NATO march you won't see in the establishment media
Marathon Pundit unhurt after being crushed by occupiers and police gauntlet after anti-NATO march (Pics and video)
(Video) Communist in Grant Park: Rant against capitalism before the anti-NATO march
Photos and video: Meaningless anti-NATO Rahm march, with Code Pink and graffiti
NSFW Video: Occupy Chicago anti-NATO 'F' bomb chants
Joliet cops, armored car on the right
Video: Occupier destroys huge NATO banner
Photo: Ayers and Dohrn at anti-NATO rally
"First Amendment is our permit" occupiers hold Stop Rush Limbaugh march
Video: Chicago 'F' the Police march--working class gives anarchists hostile reception

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