The mainstream media is reporting that only two or three thousand participated in Sunday's events.That seems about right. Most of the participants were out-of-towners. A man handing out fliers advertising a concert at a night club asked me if I was a local. I replied, "Yes," and then I asked him why he needed to know. He answered that he had only so many fliers and that since 70 percent--by his estimate--were from outside the Chicago area, he didn't want to waste any of them.
I talked to many demonstrators--and yes, that 70 percent figure seems right. So, there are nearly 10 million people living in the Chicago area--and even with busing in protesters, only a few thousand people showed up.
And I don't believe they ever had more than 1,000 listening to the anti-war speeches. Well, not all of the rants were promoting pacifism, one chatterbox was promoting Puerto Rican independence. These leftists struggle with staying on message.
As for my video, I captured these clips at 1:15pm--over an hour after the rally began. Yes, it was hot and many people, including the Black Bloc anarchists, were cooling off under the locust trees that border Grant Park. The sound system's speakers were directed into the opposite direction--they couldn't hear what was being said.
Earlier posts:
Pics from the anti-NATO march you won't see in the establishment media
(Photos) Leftist celebrities at anti-NATO rally and march: Ayers, Dohrn, Jesse, Medea
Marathon Pundit unhurt after being crushed by occupiers and police gauntlet after anti-NATO march (Pics and video)
(Video) Communist in Grant Park: Rant against capitalism before the anti-NATO march
Photos and video: Meaningless anti-NATO Rahm march, with Code Pink and graffiti
NSFW Video: Occupy Chicago anti-NATO 'F' bomb chants
Video: Occupier destroys huge NATO banner
Photo: Ayers and Dohrn at anti-NATO rally
"First Amendment is our permit" occupiers hold Stop Rush Limbaugh march
Video: Chicago 'F' the Police march--working class gives anarchists hostile reception
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