Thursday, April 12, 2012

Underwear bomber moved to Colorado supermax; Euro court praises the prison!

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the erstwhile underwear bomber, was transferred to the supermax prison in Florence, Colorado yesterday. Although he's unlikely to see more than a couple of them at a time, he'll be joining some of his a1 Qaeda pals such as Richard Reid--the attempted shoe bomber--and Zacarias Moussaoui, the alleged 20th 9/11 hijacker.

And guess what! The supermax, generally known as ADX, is not so bad after all. Six other terrorists appealed to the European Court of Human Right and, surprise, the America-hating jurists wrote kindly about it a few days ago.

Check this out--from the Telegraph:
ADX inmates – although confined to their cells for the vast majority of the time – were provided with services and activities (television, radio, newspapers, books, hobby and craft items, telephone calls, social visits, correspondence with families, group prayer) which went beyond what was provided in most prisons in Europe.
In other words, ADX Florence isn't Devil's Island or part of the Gulag.

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