Civic Center Park, Denver |
As you will read in my first post, a homeless man with the skin disease was found at the old campsite. Was he an occupier? Occupy Denver says "No." But about half of the occupy campers I saw in Civic Center Park last fall were clearly indigent. As I've noted several times over the last few weeks, the Occupy plan of action is to immediately claim that anyone who puts their movement in a bad light--such as committing a violent crime or having a disease--is not really an occupier.
South of Denver in Colorado Springs an occupier called American soldiers "trash."
An Oklahoma occupier finds says he is on the FBI's no-fly list.
Closer to me, an Occupy-supporting member of Congress, Danny K. Davis of Chicago, accepted an award from a group with communist ties. Fortunately for this country, Davis is an ineffective legislator whose only "talent" is to embarrass himself and the constituents of his safe Democratic district. As you will see in the related post section, Davis congratulated China on the 60th anniversary of the communist revolution. Its leader, Mao Zedong, killed more people than Hitler or Stalin. A few years earlier, Davis took part in a bizarre Sun Myung Moon coronation ceremony in the Dirksen Senate Building.
Denver Post: Scabies infection at Occupy Denver site prompts pledge of regular 'clean sweeps' by the city
The Oklahoman: After Black Friday arrest, Occupy OKC spokesman claims he's on FBI's no-fly list
Obama crony. San Francisco Business Times: Occupy protesters greet General Electric CEO Immelt at Stanford dinner
Fort Wayne Journal Gazette: Occupy comes, goes with barely a notice
AP: 5 charged in UC Berkeley Occupy protest
Weasel Zippers: Occupy Colorado Springs protester calls American soldiers "trash"…
Atlanta Journal Constitution: 14 Occupy Atlanta protesters arrested at Chase banks
Daily Kos: Join me and Occupy Mitt Romney's "Mr. 1%" Wall Street fundraiser in NYC this Weds
Twitchy: Markos Moulitsas, champion of the 99%, is a total 1%-er; Twitter weighs in
Orlando Sentinel: Deputies break up Occupy Orlando camp
Didn't he run for office as a moderate? Michelle Malkin: Al Gore calls for 'Occupy Democracy' movement
Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Occupy Occupy D.C.: Honk for cheaper gas
Big Government: 'American Spring': Occupy banks, bring your own couch
New Haven Register: Many homeless like living in New Haven's Occupy encampment
Hyattsville Patch: 4 suspended after Occupy-style protest at Northwestern High School
Tennessean: New law ends 'Occupy Nashville' movement
I thought it was about greed. Santa Maria Times: 'Occupy Vandenberg' demonstrators gather against nuclear weapons
The Atlantic Cities: The $2,500 Occupy Wall Street folding chair
Chicago's own Danny K. Davis. LaborUnionReport: Congressman & Obama ally accepts social justice award from Communist Party affiliate
OccupyArrests: 6,719 arrests.
Related posts:
Rep. Danny Davis congratulates brutal ChiComms on their 60th anniversary
The morning after: Occupy Denver after the cops deoccupied tent city
Photos: Cops clear out Occupy Denver tent city, protesters scatter
Occupy Denver pics: "Need $ for marijuana," homeless, offer to buy "medicine"
Video: BlogCon11 repels Occupy Denver protesters
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