At O'Hare Airport, while I was awaiting my ridge home from Mrs. Marathon Pundit, a Chinese woman struck up a small-talk conversation. She just arrived in Chicago from O'Hare and she was bemused by the Occupy Philly protesters who are "clogging up downtown." She asked me, after I told her about my Occupy Chicago and Occupy Denver coverage, "Why are they doing this."
I replied, "With these leftists, if it's not one thing, it's another. They have a long agenda." I concluded, "Sometimes I wonder if they know why they are out there."
Oh, there was a report of a rape last night in OccupyPhilly's tent city.
As for BlogCon 2011, which was why I was in Denver. It was enjoyable and educational and it will make me a better blogger. Thanks FreedomWorks!
As you probably know, last night the occupiers were de-occupied from Civic Center Park. I walked over there this morning and discovered that it was all quiet on this western front. But I received a text message from Occupy Denver that they would hold their daily general assembly as originally scheduled at 3:00pm Mountain Time.
A sunrise show of force from the Denver Police at the park.
Thursday afternoon: The camp is open.
The camp is closed three days later.
A Saturday photo. That's the Christopher Columbus monument.
I posted a picture of the now-vandalized monument last night. This one turned out much better. Except for the graffiti being on it, of course.
Communism wasn't "sexy" for the millions murdered in the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia...Well, at least this graffiti is in chalk.
Unlike this "Occupy Denver" spray-painted vandalism.
The "Circle A," as I explained last week, is the anarchists' symbol. If they are anarchists, why do they need a logo? If you are committed to anarchy--go all the way, folks.
And some more defacement.
UPDATE 8:20 CST: Three Occupy Denver protesters were arrested tonight after some of them shoved Denver and Colorado State Police, the Denver Post is reporting tonight.
Related posts:
Photos: Cops clear out Occupy Denver tent city, protesters scatter
Occupy Denver pics: "Need $ for marijuana," homeless, offer to buy "medicine"
Video: BlogCon11 repels Occupy Denver protesters
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