Saturday, December 03, 2011

Obama double Friday news dump: Fast and Furious and a 17-day Hawaii vacation

Obama news dump
press office
The Obama White House utilized a rare Friday double news dump yesterday. The embattled Justice Department released a slew of documents about its failed and deadly Operation Fast and Furious last night.

Also yesterday evening, the White House press office announced that the president and his family will travel to Hawaii for a 17-day long Christmas vacation. The president was in Hawaii only two weeks ago. And our vacationer-in-chief just waved his finger at Congress--half of it is controlled by his Democrats--admonishing them not to adjourn until they work out a deal on extending the payroll tax cut.

If you go to the horribly-politicized White's a whole other issue--it warns in a banner pseudo-ad,  "If Congress does not act, middle-class taxes will go up."

Why doesn't Obama used those banners for his Friday news dumps? Now that would be transparent.

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