Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Hutchison: Senate may vote on repealing net neutrality next week

I believe the internet is working fine on its own, but our know-it-all government, the Federal Communications Commission in this case, of course believes it knows better.

But there is good news from Texas tonight, courtesy of the Daily Caller.
Texas Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison said Tuesday that a Senate vote to overturn the FCC's net neutrality rules might come as early as next week. The vote would happen just days ahead of November 20, when the rules are scheduled to take effect.

Hutchison said the necessary number of senators' signatures have been obtained for the petition — the Resolution of Disapproval — to consider the FCC's net neutrality regulations under the Congressional Review Act. The CRA, which gives Congress the authority to review every new regulation issued by federal agencies, would allow opponents of the FCC's rules to force a vote and overrule the regulation.

"We are hoping that next week we will be able to get the Resolution of Disapproval on the floor," said Hutchison. "We have over 40 signatures to have the expedited Congressional authority to take this resolution up, and the House has already passed it. It now rests in the Senate."
If you want the internet to be work as well as Amtrak, then perhaps you favor net neutrality.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Government regulation! Eww, gross!