Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Congressman Walsh Statement on RSC’s Jobs Through Growth Act

Walsh with Marathon Pundit
Yes, President Obama, Congress has quite a few jobs plan. One of them is right here.

From a Joe Walsh press release:
Washington-Today, Congressman Joe Walsh (IL-8) along with other Members of the Republican Study Committee, released the "Jobs Through Growth Act" which sets forth an across-the-board plan for broad economic growth and job creation. Congressman Walsh's bill to index the capital gains tax to inflation (H.R. 2945) was included in the RSC's pro-growth plan and will provide confidence to investors and encourage economic growth and job creation across the entire U.S. economy.

Walsh stated:
In order to create jobs we need to let private business thrive, not big government. Obama and his Administration believe more spending and more regulations will create jobs, but he is dead wrong. Higher taxes, crushing regulations, and reckless federal spending are the cause of this economic disaster, not the solution. The Republican Study Committee's Act simplifies tax codes and offers regulation and energy reform, all of which will free up the economy and enable America's job creators to create the jobs to pull us out of this recession.

I am pleased that this act includes the language from my bill to index the capital gains tax to inflation (H.R.2945). This is a simple matter of tax fairness—no one should have to pay taxes on inflation or anything else that brings them no added economic benefit. It also will provide much-needed tax relief to American families and small businesses, giving them the capital to hire more employees. It is common-sense, pro-growth, and pro-jobs.

By implementing a plan like Obama's American Jobs Act, we will only continue down this economic spiral. We need a real plan with real solutions. Small businesses can create the American jobs we need if we can get the government out of the way. Until we stop Obama's liberal agenda, unemployment with continue to hover at 9%.
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