Wednesday, November 02, 2011

From the SRCC: Jobs groups ‘strongly' oppose Dem bill

Americans jobs groups don't like President Obama's jobs plan.

From the Senate Republican Communications Center:

Jobs Groups ‘Strongly Oppose Dem Bill

Democrats Want To ‘Commemorate’ ‘National Entrepreneurship Month’ By Raising Taxes On Entrepreneurs

President Obama’s ‘National Entrepreneurship Month’
“NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2011 as National Entrepreneurship Month. I call upon all Americans to commemorate this month with appropriate programs and activities.” (“Presidential Proclamation -- National Entrepreneurship Month, 2011,” The White House, 11/1/11)

Dem Bill ‘Would Significantly Impair… Small Businesses And Entrepreneurs’
U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: “The Chamber strongly opposes the job killing tax hikes on small businesses—the drivers of job creation and economic growth in America—provided in the ‘Rebuild America Jobs Act.’” (“Letter On S.1769, The ‘Rebuild America Jobs Act,’” U.S. Chamber Of Commerce, 11/1/11)

· “The ‘Rebuild America Jobs Act’ is a charade because it would do little to address these and other transportation infrastructure challenges.” (“Letter On S.1769, The ‘Rebuild America Jobs Act,’” U.S. Chamber Of Commerce, 11/1/11)

· “…a burdensome and onerous tax increase on Americas small businesses, entrepreneurs and other job creators… it would significantly impair the ability of small businesses and entrepreneurs to create jobs and grow the U.S. economy.” (“Letter On S.1769, The ‘Rebuild America Jobs Act,’” U.S. Chamber Of Commerce, 11/1/11)

· “Simply put, this bill is nothing more than a tax increase masquerading as the answer to America’s transportation infrastructure investment challenges.” (“Letter On S.1769, The ‘Rebuild America Jobs Act,’” U.S. Chamber Of Commerce, 11/1/11)

‘4 Out Of 5 Of The Taxpayers Who Will Face This Surtax Are Business Owners’

“…the Senate legislation would pay for this new stimulus spending bill by raising tax rates on hundreds of thousands of business owners, a job killing tax hike…” (The Tax Relief Coalition Management Committee Letter, 11/2/11)
· “…the Obama Administration’s own data demonstrates that 4 out of 5 of the taxpayers who will face this surtax are business owners…” (The Tax Relief Coalition Management Committee Letter, 11/2/11)

· “…the burden of the proposed tax increases would fall disproportionately on the income of America’s small and mid-sized businesses…” (The Tax Relief Coalition Management Committee Letter, 11/2/11)

· “…the proposal before the Senate is a job killing punitive tax hike that moves our tax code in the exact opposite direction from where we should be going if we want to see job creation and economic growth.” (The Tax Relief Coalition Management Committee Letter, 11/2/11)

“The Tax Relief Coalition (TRC), an organization of more than 1,000 trade associations, corporations and advocacy groups…” (The Tax Relief Coalition Management Committee Letter, 11/2/11)

· “TRC members represent 1.8 million businesses of all sizes, from every state and from every industry sector – businesses that invest in our economy and create jobs.” (The Tax Relief Coalition Management Committee Letter, 11/2/11)

US Chamber Of Commerce
National Federation Of Independent Businesses
National Association Of Manufacturers
National Association Of Wholesaler-Distributors
Associated General Contractors
International Foodservice Distributors Association

‘Falls Short’ ‘Does Not Include Any Of The Reforms Needed’

ASSOCIATED GENERAL CONTRACTORS: “…it falls short of our desire for multiyear funding certainty.” (The Associated General Contractors Of America, Letter, 11/2/11)
· “It also includes a permanent increase in the income tax on individuals, many of whom are undoubtedly small business owners.” (The Associated General Contractors Of America, Letter, 11/2/11)

· “It does not extend the Highway Trust Fund spending authority and it does not include any of the reforms needed to enhance the delivery of transportation improvements that our country needs…” (The Associated General Contractors Of America, Letter, 11/2/11)

· “…could potentially sideline a great bipartisan opportunity to improve and reauthorize the country’s transportation programs.” (The Associated General Contractors Of America, Letter, 11/2/11)

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