Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Crossroads GPS calls on Elizabeth Warren to condemn Occupy Wall Street radicalization

Now that the Occupy Wall Street movement is withering away--like autumn leaves--I think it's a good time to take a look at the reputedly mainstream politicians who back it. Let's start with a Democratic candidate for the US Senate in Massachussets.

Fortunately, I didn't witness any overt crimes during my visits to Occupy Chicago and Occupy Denver, but I can assure you both groups were dominated by extreme leftists.

From a Crossroads GPS press release:
Crossroads GPS Calls on Elizabeth Warren to Condemn Occupy Wall Street Radicalization

Reports of criminal activity and violence continue to rise across the country at radical Warren-endorsed OWS protests

WASHINGTON – Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (Crossroads GPS) today called on Massachusetts Senate Candidate Elizabeth Warren to condemn the Occupy Wall Street movement for the escalating criminality, violence, and extreme radicalization that mark the movement’s protests.

Independent news reports about criminal and violent activity at Occupy Wall Street protests include:
Man Shot to Death at Occupy Oakland. (Cynthia Johnston, "Fatal shooting renews tensions at Oakland protest camp," Reuters, 11/11/11)

Woman Raped at Occupy Philadelphia. (Dana Schabner, "Woman Raped at Occupy Philadelphia," ABC News, 11/12/11)

Eight People Arrested in Springfield, MO for Vandalizing Banks. (Ashley Reynolds, "Banks vandalized, likely by Occupy Wall Street protesters," KY3 News, 11/11/11)

Two Occupy Boston Protestors Were Arrested For Selling Heroin At The Protest. (Christine McConville, "Drug, Vandalism Arrests At Occupy Boston," Boston Herald, 10/23/11)

Occupy Boston Protestors Vandalized Many Downtown Boston Buildings. (Christine McConville, "Drug, Vandalism Arrests At Occupy Boston," Boston Herald, 10/23/11)

Occupy Boston Protestors Arrested for Dealing Crack Cocaine. (Carl Stevens, "3 Charged With Dealing Crack; Occupy Boston 'Deteriorating'," WBZ NewsRadio 1030, 11/4/11)

There Have Been Multiple Incidents Of Drug Use And Violence At Zuccotti Park. (Lila Shapiro, "Occupy Wall Street Protesters Wrestle With Growing Security Concerns," Huffington Post, 11/1/11)
"Professor Elizabeth Warren proudly claims the Occupy Wall Street movement as her brainchild – even as it has deteriorated into violence and extreme radicalization," said Crossroads GPS President Steven Law. "Warren should immediately condemn these extreme, lawless protests and urge the protesters to disassemble until they can guarantee protection for local citizens and respect for law and order."

Last week, Crossroads GPS launched a new issue ad in Massachusetts calling on Elizabeth Warren to focus on jobs instead of propping up the Occupy Wall Street movement. The ad quotes Warren as saying that she provided the
"intellectual foundation" for the Occupy Wall Street movement. The ad, "Foundation," can be viewed here.
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Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight. Your contention is the Occupy gatherings/encampments are responsible for the crimes, alleged or otherwise, that you list in your piece. Correct?

If that is correct, even fractionally, then there were no such crimes taking place in these high traffic areas before the demonstrations & therefore will not happen once they are gone. Correct?

If so can you substantiate the "escalating criminality" claim made by establishing a baseline from which any 'escalation' can be measured?

Increased gun violence in Oakland, CA? Really?

A rape in a city the size of Philadelphia? Not to trivialize the act, but statistically, is this an "escalation" over traffic densities over a historical time frame?

The ever vague "Drug use" among an age group that agrees with the always popular Ron Paul, that it's an expression of personal freedom? Honestly?

These smack of desperation. Perhaps the sense (I use the term loosely in this context) or realization that arguments against the issues being brought to daylight by these various groups, are morally corrupt & only innuendo & misdirection are left to counter what is clearly a class 'disagreement'.

"Pundit"? I'm willing to bet the word choice "withering away" will come back to bite you, if you'd only get your head out of the way.


Marathon Pundit said...

Hmmm...do these things happen at tea party rallies? Is your compliant media still implying that your group is "mainstream?"

Yes, you guys are withering away.

There...I said it twice.

Oh, didn't your NYC group have a women's "safe zone?"