First from Rick Perry:
President Obama's call for nearly a half-trillion dollars in more government stimulus when America has more than $14 trillion in debt is guided by his mistaken belief that we can spend our way to prosperity.From Jon Huntsman:
Like the president's earlier $800 billion stimulus program, this proposal offers little hope for millions of Americans who have lost jobs on his watch, and taxpayers who are rightly concerned that their children will inherit a mountain of debt.
America needs jobs, smaller government, less spending and a president with the courage to offer more than yet another speech.
The American people are tired of President Obama's empty rhetoric and failed policies; they're desperately searching for leadership and, above all, results. Tonight's list of regurgitated half-measures demonstrates that President Obama fundamentally doesn't understand how to turn our economy around.Technorati tags:
Last week, I detailed specific and comprehensive solutions to create jobs and revive our flailing economy – a plan immediately endorsed by the Wall Street Journal and described as "the most pro-growth proposal ever offered by a US presidential candidate."
Rather than tinker with a broken and outdated tax system, I propose bold reform which eliminates loopholes, special interest carve-outs and subsidies, while lowering rates across the board to make our tax code flatter, fairer, simpler and more conducive to growth. My plan also eliminates burdensome regulations like Obamacare, promotes energy independence, and opens more global markets for American products by expanding free trade.
In stark contrast to my fellow candidates, my economic plan is built upon a proven record of success. It draws heavily from my experience as governor of Utah, where we enacted similar reforms which made our state number one in job-creation and our economy grow at triple the national rate.
President Obama has failed. It's time for America to compete again. We did it in Utah and we can do it for America.
1 comment:
Go get 'em Jon Huntsman!!!
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