Sen. Tom Harkin is one of those Dems, as The Hill reports:
Senior Senate Democrats are growing frustrated by what they see as President Obama's passivity on the economy, and are beginning to discuss a large infrastructure package funded by tax increases.Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) is another spendaholic, according to The Hill article.
Some Democrats, such as Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin, who serves as chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, think such a package could lower the unemployment rate by as much as two percentage points.
But the plan is not without political risk — Republicans would be quick to slap Democrats with the old "tax-and-spend liberals" label. And the prospect of passing such a plan through the GOP-led House of Representatives — where conservative freshmen hold significant clout — is slim.
"I am concerned about the Obama administration's approach on this," Harkin said. "It always has been about jobs. I think the administration kind of got snookered talking about the deficit and the debt after the last election."
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