Friday, April 08, 2011

Dem senator: Obama leadership 'not what I'm used to'

When Democrats start criticizing President Obama's leadership style, it's time for the White House to worry.

From Politico:

Not a stranger to criticism of the White House, freshman Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) is again faulting President Barack Obama's ability to lead, this time saying that the president employs "a different form of leadership than I’ve ever seen."

"It's not what I'm used to and it's not what I've yet seen to be effective from my vantage point," he told ABC News on Thursday

In early March, Manchin made a floor speech in which he said Obama had "failed to lead" on the budget. On Thursday morning, he wrote to Senate colleagues asking them to consider donating their pay or returning it to the Treasury if there is a government shutdown.

"It doesn't seem to be working because I think the president the only one who looks at all 50 states," he said, noting that he and other members of Congress are focused not on the whole country but on their own constituents.
Before his election to the Senate last fall, Manchin was the governor of the Mountain State.

Related post:

From Doug Ross: Is this the calendar of a man concerned with the budget, the shutdown of the government, our troops, unemployment or high gas prices?

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