Saturday, October 23, 2010

ILSen: Kirk gains Crain's Chicago Business endorsement

Mark Kirk gained another major endorsement yesterday, that of Crain's Chicago Business. The Republican candidate for the Illinois US Senate seat currently held by Rod Blagojevich-appointee Roland Burris, Kirk has won every major Illinois newspaper endorsement except those of the Chicago Sun-Times and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, which went with Rod Blagojevich in 2006--they're backing failed Democrat Alexi Giannoulias. The Chicago Defender also endorsed Giannoulias. I haven't been able to discover who the African-American publication endorsed for governor four years ago, but I don't recall the Defender ever endorsing a Republican for anything.

From Crain's:
As a business publication, we also give great weight to candidates' positions on issues affecting the local business community. Mr. Kirk is the clear choice here.

He supports international trade deals that help Illinois companies tap overseas markets. Mr. Giannoulias would hold up trade deals, such as a pending agreement with South Korea , over issues important to core Democratic constituencies.

Mr. Kirk would extend the Bush tax cuts for all taxpayers, while Mr. Giannoulias would let them expire for top earners.

Mr. Kirk also has been a strong supporter of expanding O'Hare International Airport, since the days when much of the Illinois Republican establishment opposed it. No single project is more important to Chicago 's economic future.
UPDATE October 24: The Moline Argus/Rock Island Dispatch endorsed Kirk this morning.

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Levois said...

LOL! The Defender probably did when most blacks were actually Republican :P

Marathon Pundit said...

I'm pretty sure the Defender endorsed Republican Bernard Carey over Ed Hanrahan--who was behind the 1969 Black Panther raids. But that was in 1972.

But yeah, in '05 when the Defender was founded, most blacks were members of the GOP.