For me it's fitting that Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS), who lives in the Great Plains town of Dodge City, Kansas, because I'm in the Colorado Plains as I write this post. Roberts delivers today's Weekly GOP Address.
The Kansan criticizes the sneaky recess appointment of rationing supporter Donald Berwick to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Roberts explains:
As part of the new health care law, Dr. Berwick will have to a cut half a trillion dollars from Medicare, obviously limiting seniors' choices. Now as a result of the recess appointment, Dr. Berwick will take office through the back door without any formal public vetting as prescribed by the Constitution. This flies in the face of what was promised to be the most transparent administration in our nation's history.Berwick, as I've written before, is an enthusiast of the Britain's government run health agency, the NHS.
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