Friday, July 30, 2010

NH Dem Senate candidate skips jobless benefits vote, attends extremist convention

Rep. Paul Hodes (D-NH) is running for the Senate. He missed the vote to extend unemployment benefits last week, citing a "scheduling issue." But the next day Hodes was in Las Vegas for the left-wing Netroots blogger conference.

The extension passed, and of those Republicans who opposed it, Hodes called them "extremist, obstructionist, lying hypocrites who think you don't have to pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest but are holding up help for the neediest."

Which brings us back to Netroots. Speaking there was former White House Green jobs czar Van Jones, a onetime communist, who signed a 9/11 "truther" petition. There were a couple of extremist panels, including one by the anti-Israel group J-Street and another entitled "Marijuana Policy and Politics," it's purpose was to find ways to make pot legalization a mainstream issue.

In other Hodes news, the Union-Leader is reporting that he is the recipient of $17,000 in contributions from disgraced congressman Charlie Rangel (D-NY), which he refuses to donate to charity. But hypocrite Hodes is calling for Rangel to resign.

Alexi Giannoulias, the failed mob banker who is the Democratic nominee for the US Senate in Illinois, also attended Netroots.

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