As for the so-called Employee Free Choice Act, he's been all over the map on that one too, as Katie Packer points out in Townhall.
It's been quite a year for Senator Arlen Specter. This time last year, Specter had changed party affiliation and was well on his way to dropping his allegiance to Pennsylvania small businesses and workers in that his commitment to oppose the job-killing Employee 'Forced' Choice Act (EFCA) was quickly becoming invalid.Related posts:
In 2009, Specter announced his opposition to EFCA saying, "The problems of the recession make this a particularly bad time to enact Employees Free Choice legislation. Employers understandably complain that adding a burden would result in further job losses … I am announcing my decision now because I have consulted with a very large number of interested parties on both sides and I have made up my mind."
Specter had decided the legislation wasn't acceptable considering it would result in increased unemployment during an historic recession.
But apparently, Big Labor's siren song of political support lured Specter away from his promise to his constituents and he openly began to support the legislation he previously opposed stating, "I expect the cloture vote to occur on a modified version of the Employee’s Free Choice legislation … And I will support that cloture vote."
AFL-CIO official's demagoguery on the so-called Employee Free Choice Act
Nonsense from a South Dakota AFL-CIO official about card check
Union boss threatens lawmakers on EFCA
WSJ: Beware of the new Employee Free Choice Act
Report from the bloggers' conference call about EFCA with Rep. Tom Price
Multi-employer pension blues
Union members: More equal than others in Obama's America
Report from the bloggers' conference call on EFCA and cash for union coffers
Report from the bloggers' conference call on EFCA and under-funded pensions
SEIU prez: Union spent $60.7 million to elect Obama
George McGovern: "The ‘Free Choice’ Act Is Anything But"
Report from the bloggers' conference call about Employee FORCED Choice binding arbitration
Report from the bloggers' conference call about card check
Former union organizer talks about card check
Minority business groups coming out against card check
Sen. Mitch McConnell on card check
Report from the bloggers' conference call with Rep. John Kline talking about EFCA
Card check update: "A mortal threat to American freedom"
Blagojevich and union "card check"
Employee "free choice" may drive economic uncertainty
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